Project 365 – December 03 to December 09

Day 338 – We were meant to be going to London but as the girls had been coughing a bit and been feeling a bit rundown in general, I decided not to do the 2 hour journey in the cold and possibly make them even worse. Bee though wanted to go to a karate competition being held 2 mins from our house so decided to take her. It was her first competition but she came 2nd. Granted there was only 3 in her category and the 3rd place winner was very young, but for her first comp she only lost by 1 point and had to go into extra time. She loved it and wants to go again (whereas I’m a nervous wreck as the point system seemed to be getting a point if you hit the opponent in the head).

Day 339 – A quiet day at home, shown by Rosie chilling (as usual).

Day 340 – Took the parents shopping and then got their budgies out of the cage to give them a bit of exercise. However they seem to prefer the cage and never last out of it for much longer than about 5 minutes. Got home and couldn’t be bothered to cook so managed to convince the hubby to take us out to eat once he got home.

Day 341 – Took dad to see the diabetic nurse. Because they have stopped dads meds due to them affecting his liver…his sugar levels are now out of control. So although there is another tablet with less risks they could try, they are thinking about insulin as that will have no impact on the liver. He now has to monitor his levels for a few weeks and then they will decide what to do. In the afternoon it was the nativity at Bee’s school. She was playing Mary! Although I don’t pull my kids out of the nativity or anything Christmas related at school…I then have to teach them that we believe slightly different. Rosie was happy with a parcel that arrived as she got a box to play with.

Day 342 – We have a new gourmet bus which only opened up recently and a friend and I decided to check it out. We got there when it just opened for the day so was slightly cold in there…they then used an electric heater to warm us up. The burger was delicious though! And the decor was pretty cool. Cooking done on the bottom and seating upstairs.

Day 343 – Spot of blog work today and got a book review live: World of Animals. In the evening I did 3 loads of washing…and realised our drain was blocked. Been having issues with it for a while and kept saying to hubby we need to call someone…find a plumber and he didn’t…..and if I am honest I was sick of always being the one to deal with everything so I didn’t bother either….but then that just made more work for me. The kitchen’s drain is in the conservatory…so it overflowed….and our rug was totally soaked through. Mopped it up…and decided to deal with it in the morning as it was 10.30 at night.

Day 344 – Although I was certain the drain issue was a simple job of using a rod to push through any blockage hubby said he didn’t know what to do…and I refused to even attempt it…so called out Dyno Rod. They arrived within 2 hours….and a quick shove through with their drain rod and they received £130. So literally a 10 second job and the drain was clear. Then took Bee to her belt testing and she just passed it and got a white and yellow belt.


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