Usborne World of Animals

If you have a household like mine where everyone is crazy about animals (well apart from the hubby who just about grudgingly tolerates the cat) then this book is a must have.

Those who follow me will know that my eldest is an avid reader and she likes nothing more than factual books. So a factual book about animals? Result!

Ages 7+
128 Pages
RRP: £9.99

Cover of Usborne World of Animals

This dazzling tour of the animal kingdom takes you all over the globe, from tiny bugs on the Himalayan peaks to hairy rhinos in the depths of the jungle. The very best of todays wildlife photography combines with the lively fascinating text to reveal the magic and the wonder of the animal world.

As soon as they saw the book the girls did initially fight over who was going to get their hands on the book first….but we finally agreed to letting the eldest have it seeing as she can actually read and Bee would be able to look at the pictures later. (They just can’t seem to share!)

World of Animals is divided into a number of sections:

  • Animal Planet – covering aspect such as mealtimes, seeing and hearing, animal talk.
  • South and Central America
  • North America
  • Africa
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Australasia
  • The Artic and Antartica
  • Ocean Live
  • Fact File

The book is full of amazing pictures of the various animals..each turn of the page brings you stunning images; birds in flight, big cats running, and even kangaroos squaring up to each other. Even I have enjoyed going through the book and felt in awe of the animals we have over the world.

Inside of World of Animals

Each picture has a description of what it is showing. For example in the picture above it states, ‘The owl has used its sharp eyesight to spot a mouse in the dark. It’s claws are opened wide, ready to grab it.’ Each page is just full of interesting facts and general information. Bright and colourful, each page is a pleasure to turn and see what is next!

What we absolutely loved about the book is that in addition to the book you can go online and learn more about the animals. Once you find the World of Animals Usborne’s quicklinks page you can scroll through and find the links relevant to each page.

Screen Shot of Usborne Quick Links

In addition to the links to websites to go to for further info, you are able to download some pictures. However the downloaded pictures aren’t the photos but the small artistically drawn images.

A must have book if your children, (or even you), love animals and want to learn more!

If you like the look of this book then Usborne do a number of different ones. If you are on Facebook then sister Aisha has a group where she shares book details and offers. Do take a look and join. You can also find her on instagram: AichaBook. Another book we have reviewed is Usborne Book and Puzzle: Under the Sea.


Disclosure: We were sent World of Animals for the purposes of review. However all thoughts and opinions are our own.

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  • Salam. We LOVE and use Usborne books as part of our homeschooling curriculum. We have benefited from so many of their books. I really like their First Encyclopedia series. Thank you for a lovely post mahsaAllah.

  • As a Preschool teacher, this book looks fascinating! Thank you for the recommendation, I would actually go out and buy it but living in Egypt, books are seen as very over priced bits of paper (i.e useless) lol.

  • Wow I love this book. Our house is pretty same too including hubby. Well he might not be as crazy as me and my daughter but he still loves them. hehe. really want to get this book.

  • My lil one is very fond of animals and asks me zillion things related to them…It will be good if I buy this book for her…thank you letting us know about the book and sharing your views….

  • Wow this book looks very interesting. I am fond of reading about animals so I guess it would be a great gift for myself as well as for my little brother ❤
    Thank you for sharing such an amazing review!