Project 365 – December 17 to December 23

Day 351 – There was a workshop at the mosque about our version of the story about Mary where there were crafts and story telling. Then parents evening for Bee’s arabic classes…she’s doing well and is working hard.

Day 352 – A quiet Monday. It was Christmas jumper day at Bee’s school..she went in a glitter star one. Rosie wasn’t impressed with a hat on her head.

Day 353 – Final day of school for both girls. Bee’s school gave all the kids a small gift which I thought was nice!

Day 354 – First day of school holidays. Don’t have much planned so just chilling at home. A bit of baking today and also popped into town.

Day 355 – Another quiet day at home – did some puzzles and crafts.

Day 356 – Eldest did some of her homework, Bee did some painting while I got on with a blog review of Modestrove Mystery Box. Then a spot of TV. Started feeling rough throughout the day and realised I was getting a cold. Didn’t sleep at all!

Day 357 – Bad headache due to not sleeping last night. Eldest was at horse riding until 4 as it was a special Pony day with games. So I put on the TV for Bee while I rested up.

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