Aqua Dragons Deluxe with LED Lights

I must admit I had never heard of Aqua Dragons before but when I heard they were live aquatic creatures that you hatch and grow, I thought they girls might enjoy seeing the whole process.

Aqua Dragons Deluxe

What are Aqua Dragons?

The Aqua Dragons are from the crustacean family, a species called Artemia Salina. Having been around since the prehistoric times, the eggs are preserved through droughts and then they hatch when they come in contact with water. This process is called diapose.

When thinking of dragons you immediately think BIG but the aqua dragons are tiny and grow up to 1cm long. So initially they can be hard to spot! They can also live up to 6 months each.


Aqua Dragons contents

  • Colour Decorated Tank
  • Instructions and Activity Book
  • Feeding Spoon
  • Food
  • Eggs
  • Magnifier
  • Aireator
Hatching the Eggs

Aqua Dragons Eggs

Hatching the eggs is relatively straightforward. Once you have filled the tank with 350ml-380ml of bottled water, you simply tip in the eggs which look like fine powder. The eggs will start hatching immediately but as they are so small you are unlikely to see them for a few days and will have to use the magnifier in the meantime.

Cue a few days of staring at the tank trying to spot the aqua dragons.

Taking Care of the Aqua Dragons

I actually gave some fish away as found it a headache to clean them out…but taking care of the Aqua Dragons is nice and easy. All you have to do is feed them once every other day (or less if you only have a few dragons) and make sure you use the aerator to oxygenate the water. If the water does get murky, all you have to do is stop feeding them until it clears up as it generally gets murky if too much food has ben given. The aqua dragons can be overfed which will kill them so you have to be careful not to overfeed.

What We Thought

After the initial ‘We can’t see anything’ and ‘Are you sure they will hatch??’ there was excitement when they finally spotted some signs of life after about 3 days. I did start panicking and thinking I had killed them somehow as I would see some movement and then nothing for a while but eventually we ended up with quite a few dragons. Bee in particular loved watching them swim around.

You can see how small there are in the picture below. The 2 bright spots at the bottom are the aqua dragons. It has only been 2 weeks so they are likely to get a bit bigger.

The Aqua Dragons are great for the kids as they can experience the process from hatching to adulthood. They could even be an ideal alternative to fish as they are easier to look after and keep clean.

You might even end up with another generation of Aqua Dragons as they can mate and lay eggs. You get a small packet of food but as you only have to give a small amount every few days then this should last a while.

Aqua Dragons Deluxe is suitable for ages 6+ and is priced around £20. It is available from most good toy stores and Amazon: Aqua Dragons Deluxe (affiliate link)


Disclosure: We were sent Aqua Dragons Deluxe for the purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

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