Project 365 – Week 36 to 2018

Sunday 2nd September

Had told Bee the night before that her dad will be going Pakistan soon as his dad isn’t well and she was upset. She woke up in the morning and the first thing she said was that she didn’t want him to go and jumped into our bed hugging him and crying! Had to reassure her that he would be back soon but she was a bit miserable all money. She perked up a bit when we went to collect her sister from the stables and she went round saying hello to all the horses.



Monday 3rd September

Some last minute shopping before hubby leaves tomorrow. Got Bee some new earrings from H Samuel as her starter earrings will be coming out soon as it has almost been 6 weeks. Treated her to a slushy.



Tuesday 4th September

Went to the airport to drop off hubby. Stopped off at a restaurant to eat before going to the airport. Bee kept holding her dads hand when usually she’s always holding mine and stat next to him at the restaurant. Thankfully there were no tears when he actually left to go through security. I thought she might cry but I think because her uncle was with us too she was slightly happier….as he said he would bring his dog with him when it’s her birthday… she is now looking forward to that!



Wednesday 5th September

Back to school for the eldest. And then Bee got Class Star again at karate. she showed her certificate to the cat who wasn’t too impressed. And the date was wrong too – 1999. Bee wasn’t even born then!



Thursday 6th September

Back to school for Bee. Was hoping to just relax and do nothing but both parents had a check up at the doctors in the morning so took them, then went and did a bit of grocery shopping which I haven’t done for a while. Usually hubby did that as he says I get carried away with the Buy One Get One Free offers and end up getting things even if not needed. Got home and finally did a blog post that wasn’t just project 364 – have restarted my monthly gratitude series. Then after my eldest’s Quran lesson after school, we met the tutors baby kitten. She was so cute!


Friday 7th September

After popping to the shops and ending up buying some clothes for the girls, just chilled at home and started working on a book review for the blog. After school took the girls to Sports Direct. Bee needed some trainers and the eldest has been asked by the PE teacher to play hockey (she apparently did well in the PE lesson), so she needed some shin pads and a mouth guard.


Saturday 8th September

Bee back to her Saturday Quran classes today, had a meeting at the mosque which was more for the parents of the new students but existing parents were also invited to get an update of their plans for this academic year. Then went shopping in the afternoon as eldest needs new cardigans/jumpers. Dad then treated us to dessert at Creams.

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