Project 365 – Week 43 of 2018

Sunday 21st October

Hubby went to work but I was determined to make the most of the sunny day as there are few left now so I decided to make use of our National Trust Membership and took the girls to Wimpole Hall. They had a lovely day; eldest was happy to see some shire horses and Bee was happy with the adventure playground.



Monday 22nd October

A quiet day today after yesterday. Just chilled at home until Bee’s karate in the evening. Eldest caught up with her homework but in general just had a lazy day. So you have a picture of Rosie. NOw that its getting colder she is spending more time with us and snuggling up next to us.



Tuesday 23rd October

The girls both had their eye tests in the afternoon so we first popped to the local museum for their hlaf term events and I treated the girls to lunch after. We then had a few hours to kill before their appointment so wandered around the shops and had a hot chocolate too. It was Bee’s first time for an eye test and they want to check her again in 6 months as there seemed to be a slight difference in one eye. However they weren’t concerned as said it can happen and she may just have been nervous as it was her first test.



Wednesday 24th October

We tried out a new karate place today but can’t decide whether to change. Our current school has had a price increase by £3 and if she goes to this one it will be £9 cheaper (more if I cut her down to going once a week). The discount would be even more if I end up signing up too…so for not much more then what I am paying now we could both have classes. However it is a few miles further and traffic can be a bit crazy there….so not sure what to do. I think Bee wants to move as there is less sparring in the new place and she’s not liking all the sparring practice as she says some boys don’t listen and hurt her. But she has been there for almost 3 years and it is like a family…but I have to look at what suits us financially too.



Thursday 25th October

Hubby had to go to Birmingham to renew his Pakistani ID card. I almost didn’t go but at the last minute got ready and went. We had lunch there and then hubby treated us to dessert.



Friday 26th October

A quiet day at home where the girls watched a bit of TV and played while I caught up on some blog work. Got a review complete of Quranic Opposites. Then karate for Bee in the evening.



Saturday 27th October

The girls were in mosque in the morning for their classes. Then debated whether to go out but the weather turned cold, windy and wet…and we ended up chilling at home. Girls watched a film on Amazon Prime while I did a spot of colouring and just relaxing.

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