Project 365 for 2019 – Week 3

Day 13 – Sunday 13th January

Hubby went to work today as he was taking Monday off so it was a quiet day at home. I was initially planning to taking the girls to Anglesey Abbey but woke up and it was really windy. Knew the eldest would just complain so opted to stay at home. So TV and games it was.


Day 14 – Monday 14th January

I had ordered some handmade soaps which didn’t have any animal fats in (so are classed as halal) and they arrived today. I had managed to get them when they were on sale so thought I would get all 5. The smell from the box wasn’t too overpowering and they all smelt nice.


Day 15 – Tuesday 15th January

I have been wanting to try kick boxing for a long time but the sessions at Bee’s old karate school were in the evening and I couldn’t commit to every week in the evening. At Bee’s new school they have started ladies sessions during the morning. I was hoping to start last month but chickened out.  I found someone to go with me but unfortunately she was sick the night before and didn’t go. I almost cancelled too but thought if I didn’t go this time I will never go and they will think I am crazy for booking and then cancelling! Ended up going and so glad I did! Was a pretty good workout and fun (although I think she was easy on us all as it was our first session). Am pretty sure I will sign up after the free trial ends.


Day 16 – Wednesday 16th January

A busy day today with a 2 hour Quran class in the morning and at Bee’s school in the afternoon for her reading cafe. I always love seeing the colourful work by the kids at the Madrassah.


Day 17 – Thursday 17th January

Got my cooking done in the morning as I had offered to go into school to help out in addition to my Tuesday session when I read with the kids. They children were going on their tech bus and using the virtual reality headsets and love seeing their excitement….although a few got a bit scared with the shark and being in a hot air balloon! Couldn’t take a picture of the kids in the bus so you have one of Rosie who keeps getting in my way when I try to pray!


Day 18 – Friday 18th January

A quiet day. Went for my Electrolysis appointment in the morning and then just chilled till the afternoon. Did some adult colouring in the evening before bed while watching TV. Was quite relaxing.


Day 19 – Saturday 19th January

Karate for Bee in the morning, and Urdu class for the eldest. Had lunch at the parents and then some clothes shopping with mum before heading home for dinner.

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