Project 365 for 2019 – Week 17

A relatively unexciting week!


Day 111 – Sunday 21st April

Another day spent at home not doing much. Got the bubbles and games out and just relaxed at home. Did a bit of blog work and got the latest post in my Muslim Mums in Business series live featuring Lift Everest.

Day 112 – Monday 22nd April

Popped into town to get some bits and bobs and ended up treating the girls to a spot of lunch. Treated myself to a non alcoholic mocktail which was a blueberry one with lemonade and mint.


Day 113 – Tuesday 23rd April

Had to go back to the shops as got Bee some summer dresses yesterday for school and realised some were the shorts type she doesn’t like. Stupidly I had taken the labels off and washed them before realising my mistake….so I couldn’t really return them…so had to buy more. Drowned my sorrows by getting some cheap Easter Eggs.


Day 114 – Wednesday 24th April

Back to school for both girls. Was nice to actually see them off and get a bit of time to myself. Didn’t do much but I did manage to get a blog post live about a new Ramadan book we had purchased: Ramadan Around the World. A friend then messaged in the afternoon asking if it was ok to pop round as her hubby was coming for a job from Leicester and would be a good opportunity to meet up as he could drop her and the kids off while he did what he had to. Was too late to cook anything so decided to order some pizza when they arrived and had fun couple of hours in the evening. And she brought cake!


Day 115 – Thursday 25th April

Had my electrolysis appointment in the morning and returned home to find hubby still at home. His car had issues and he couldn’t get to work. So another day of pretty much chilling and not doing anything else. Hubby ended up taking my car to get the brakes changed as at the last MOT we had been advised to change them within 6 months. So nothing special today so a picture of Rosie chilling.


Day 116 – Friday 26th April

Another relatively quiet day. Got the cooking done and then relaxed until school pick up time. A new book arrived today which will be good to have during Ramadan as it shares some prayers.


Day 117 – Saturday 27th April

Usual Saturday routine of eldest going to her Urdu class and Bee going to karate. However during fight club Bee said her tummy hurt so we left early. The fight club is more intense training and I think she gets anxious. Neither of her friends were there today either so I think the anxiety kicked it. She was pleased though that her cap had arrived…it is a bit on the big side but she will grow into it!


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