Help Support the Tommy’s 2019 Splashathon #AD

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Losing a baby during pregnancy and birth is heartbreaking and devastating to all those involved. Having seen close family members suffer loss which caused them immense heartbreak, I was then shocked to learn that every year, 1 in 4 women lose a baby during pregnancy or birth. And this is where the Tommy’s Splashathon comes in; where babies, toddlers and their parents come together to raise money for Tommy’s.

Image Credit: Tommy’s

What is the Splashathon?

The Splasthon is a sponsored swimming event for babies and toddlers. It takes part in Water Babies classes nationwide over the summer. This year parents/carers and the little ones are being invited to fundraise by taking part in the challenge to swim a width in fancy dress in a special themed lesson. This year it is a Peppa Pig themed Pirates and Princesses.

The aim of Splashathon

Water Babies and Tommy’s are hoping to reduce the statistic of 1 in 4 women losing babies through miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth. Having a family member lose a baby through miscarriage and then again through a premature birth I have seen how it affects the parents and close family members and am pleased that things are being done to try to reduce this happening.  We were never given any answers to why this happened….and just told sometimes it happens. Tommy’s are committed to funding medical research into trying to understand early miscarriage and research into premature birth. It is devastating when it happens but it is made worse when you do not even have any answers to all the questions running through your mind.

With the help of Water Babies, Tommy’s Splashathon are aiming to raise £1 million to help with life funding research. The money raised could help to fund their brand new Tommy’s research centre – the National Centre for Improving Maternity Care.

Watch the video to learn more about the Splashathon:


How to Help

If you have a little one then do consider taking part in the Splashathon if you are already a Water Babies customer and having some fun!

If you aren’t a Water Babies customer, you can support the campaign by sharing it and you can donate direct to the Splashathon Fundraising Page.

While you are here, why not take part in a fun swimming style quiz (link below) which was developed by Water Babies and Tommy’s with the Water Babies mascot Bubba the Whale: Swimming style quiz from Water Babies.


“Let’s help save babies’ lives. Make a splash, donate some cash!”

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