Project 365 for 2019 – Week 46

Day 315 – Sunday 10th November

Another day of not doing much! Only thing we did was go out to collect a bike for me so I have my own for the women’s group. A fellow school governor heard I was looking for a bike and she offered me the loan of hers, with possibly the option of keeping it if she doesn’t want it back in the spring. Managed to get it in the boot of my car and got it home. Gave it a clean ready for my first go on it tomorrow.

Day 316 – Monday 11th November

I was all ready to go on my first bike ride today but the weather was not great. The group leader decided to cancel it as lot of us were new to bike riding or out of practice and she didn’t want to put us off. Of course as soon as she cancelled, the rain and wind stopped and it turned into a pleasant morning! Hubby had to take today off work as he was waiting for his car windscreen to be replaced and he decided to make a new dish.

Day 317 – Tuesday 12th November

I have held off getting my eldest a mobile phone. I know most of her friends have mobile phones now but as I was picking her up from school and dropping her off too I did not feel she needed one. She did have a basic nokia for emergencies but most of the time that was left at home. However I realised that her friends were communicating via whatsapp/email a lot when it came to homework and classes….and even the police cadets had a group where they sent messages. Spoke to her dad yesterday and we ordered her a sim which arrived today…and her uncle had a spare smart phone which he gave to her to use. I have told her I have got an app on the phone which will allow me to check whenever I want what she is doing..and the phone has to be left in the living room at 9pm. Some may think I am being over controlling but a 13 year old doesn’t need to be on her phone constantly and as a parent I have a duty to ensure she is being safe online.

Day 318 – Wednesday 13th November

Spent most of the morning setting up the eldest’s phone for her with some of her homework apps she needs and the parental control app. I have said she doesn’t need to take the phone to school because phones are meant to be off and in bags or lockers. If they are seen around school they are confiscated. Also she recently lost a £50 watch and for now I don’t trust her to take the phone. Hubby came home early from work today as I had a governor course to go to in the evening so he had to look after the kids. Didn’t really take any pics today except for Rosie who looked like she wanted to do some colouring.

Day 319 – Thursday 14th November

A quiet morning. Tried to get a blog post written but didn’t get very far. In the afternoon went to read with the kids at the school. One of them gave me a flower at the end. I did check with the teacher if it was OK to take but apparently he usually brings some flowers and gives them out.

Day 320 – Friday 15th November

Had my quran class in the morning, came home to cook and by the time I was done it was time to collect my dad from the mosque and then do the school runs. Decided to make some hot chocolate in the evening. I had got some chocolate from the Isle of Wight in the summer and finally made the hot chocolate. It was lovely!

Day 321 – Saturday 16th November

Back to karate today after missing it last week due to an event being held at the boxing gym. There was another event today but it didn’t interfere with the classes. On the way home decided to stop off at a local cafe to have some lunch. Bee was complaining her hip was hurting a bit as she got kicked in fight club, so the rest of the day was spent resting, except for taking the eldest to her Islamic studies class.

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