Week 10 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 61
 – 1st March

Swimming for Bee in the morning and then just a chilled out Sunday. Finally decided to sew on Bee’s karate badges onto her trousers and she was kind of shocked that I could sew. She seems to have forgotten I did all the badges for her old karate school! Ok I am not perfect with sewing and stitches but I can just about get her badges on.

Monday Day 62 – 2nd March

On a mission again to get fit. I haven’t been feeling right recently and I know it is my lack of care over the food I have been consuming and my lack of exercise. So recharged the Fitbit to get me motivated and got back on the treadmill after my pilates class. Started off with walking to get me back into it but want to try the couch to 5k again. Pilates has shown me my left arm and shoulder are stiffer than my right… and I can find it painful to move them excessively so I need to work on them. She gave me some more exercises to do at home.

Tuesday Day 63 – 3rd March

Today I decided to have a go at step aerobics at home using a youtube video. I have the equipment ( I got a lot of stuff last time I was in my get fit mode) so I may as well use it. Found a 20 minute work out on youtube which did make me sweat. Took part in a blog hop with some other bloggers in aid of World Book Day this week and wrote a post about encouraging your child to read.

Wednesday Day 64 – 4th March

My leg was aching after yesterdays workout so decided to give exercise a break today. Hubby ended up taking today off work. He had an appointment which took longer than he thought so decided to take the day off and go to work tomorrow instead. While chatting to my brother he reminded him to bring round his cutting machine to cut my big buddlei bush….I had cut it back before winter but some thick branches at the bottom needed cutting which couldn’t be done with the hand cutter. Bro decided to come then as he was free. (He lives 30/40 mins away). As it was all so unexpected I hadn’t cooked anything so hubby got a takeaway for us all. In my keeping of trying to keep healthier I got some chicken…which doesn’t mess with my sugar levels too much. It was OK.

Thursday Day 65 – 5th March

The plan had been to go to an exercise class today with a friend but she cancelled as her baby had had a rough night….plus we had to go into school in the morning to read with the kids as part of the World Book Day, which would have then made us late for the class. I was kind of glad as my leg was still aching a bit and I thought an intense class may make it worse. Bee dressed up as Matilda with a simple blue dress and a red hairband. Some kids ended up saying to her she didn’t look anything like Matilda. I am a bit sick of World Book Day and how competitive it seems to have become…with kids wanting to out do each other with their costumes.

Couldn’t decide what to have for lunch and then decided to make my own version of samosa chaat as don’t like any of the ones from the takeaways. Chucked in all my favourite sauces and spices and hoped for the best. Turned out pretty good!

Friday Day 66 – 6th March

Bee was taking part in a drama festival on behalf of the school. So after dropping her at school I then had to pick her up less than an hour later to take her. She had a poem she had to memorise which she did. She performed well but didn’t come in the top three. I must admit I was a bit miffed when I heard how much effort Bee’s friends teacher had made with her learning the poem and helping her….Apparently Bee was only listened to a few times at school by her teacher. Considering there was limited help from her teacher, and the fact that we are always home late due to karate etc so didn’t practice as much as she should have…she did well and I am proud of her.

Saturday Day 67 – 7th March

Usual Saturday of karate in the morning for Bee and Islamic class in the afternoon for the eldest. Popped to the garden centre while Bee was at karate. Got some tomato seeds and pepper seeds for Bee to plant and grow. Love all the animal ornaments at the garden centre.

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