Five Foodie Instagram Accounts to Follow

I am not a huge fan of cooking. I had an elder sister who usually cooked meals with my mum and I managed to get away with not cooking. However, I had to learn once I got married.

I wouldn’t say I am particularly adventurous when it comes to cooking. I know the basic curries and 15 years later I still can’t seem to get the taste of my rice like my mums! However, all this spare time and being at home has led me to experiment a bit; I am missing all my takeaways and meals out.

There are a lot of websites, YouTube channels and more dedicated to cooking tutorials. I have come across a few Instagram pages which have led me to be able to create some amazing dishes, and also are tempting me to try more dishes, so thought I would share some of them.

Now my first delve into following a recipe I found on Instagram was Fauzia’s Kitchen Fun. A friend shared a picture of Chicken Bread she had made following one of the recipes and it looked delicious. As I was bored of the usual chicken dishes I made, I had to give it a go! And it was delicious.

Having gotten braver about following online recipes, my next attempt was Shami Kebabs from Mazadaar. I love Shami Kebabs but had never attempted to make them; always eating them at my mums house whenever she made them! But with being stuck at home at the moment, I decided to give it a go. And they tasted exactly like my mums! Will definitely be making more of these and freezing them so they are available whenever I fancy one.

Back to chicken and when I saw a picture of Cheesy Chicken Pasta Bake on Afelia’s Kitchen page, I just had to give it a go. I do make chicken pasta but had never made it as a bake…and definitely hadn’t ever attempted to make cheese sauce myself. However it was all relatively simple and tasted great.

I am yet to try any of the recipes from this page yet as I was only recently introduced to this page by a few of my instagram followers. But I already have an eye on some of the recipes that I want to give a go, including Chilli Paneer which I have never even tried.

Food Fusion is a page I have followed for a while and always felt hungry looking at the pictures and the recipes. I will be giving the recipes a go soon!

Do you have any favourite Foodie Instagrammers you follow? Do share in the comments!

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