Week 41 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 278 – 4th October

We have been sent a baking set to review so today was a morning of baking to try it out. Full review and a giveaway of the set on the blog soon.

Monday Day 279 – 5th October

If am honest the news from the other week is still hitting me hard and I guess mentally I am not in the best place and just keep thinking what is the point. So I was glad when a friend rang me in the morning asking if I wanted to go for breakfast or lunch. As hubby had done the school run and I was still in bed we agreed to lunch. In the end we ordered a takeaway and had a good long chat which helped a bit. Received an email that there has been a confirmed case of COVID at the eldest’s school…later found out it was a staff member and it appears none of the kids have been sent home. After school got Bee to pose for the some photos for an Islamic app we have been using to share on instagram.

Tuesday Day 280 – 6th October

Felt really bad today and didn’t want to do anything. Spent all day in bed just watching Netflix/Prime Video and only got up as had to get the kids from school. The horrible weather pretty much reflected my mood.

Wednesday Day 281 – 7th October

Still feeling a bit crap but got a phone call from dad saying they wanted to go look for a fridge freezer as although theirs is working its not always freezing food properly. Took them to Currys but they were moving stores and won’t be open till Friday. So then tried the Whirlpool outlet store but they didn’t have any in. Gave up and came home to try again on Friday. Got a giveaway live on instagram for a Salah Pad.

Thursday Day 282 – 8th October

Still feeling pretty rubbish and did stuff all. Hubby was home today so he did all the school runs and took Bee to karate in the evening. Got a game that I need to do a review of…amongst some other things but just get motivated to do anything.

Friday Day 283 – 9th October

Another day of not doing much but after school I took dad to see the fridges at Curry’s. They need a small one due to the lack of space and it was hard to find any in that size. The ones we did were out of stock and would be a few weeks to deliver. Decided to go home and double check if a couple of cm would matter and if some of the bigger ones could fit.

Saturday Day 284 – 10th October

Karate in the morning and Bee made star of the class. Then Urdu class and today a friend of hers joined her to see how she finds it and then she might join the class. The Urdu teacher is off to Pakistan though and when she comes back she will have to do the self isolating so guess there won’t be any classes for a while. The took both parents to look at the fridges again. Best to take mum as otherwise she will complain she doesn’t like it. Again had the same problem that they would take weeks to arrive. Decided to come home and check online….so stressful!

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