Review: Adam’s First Day at Madrassa

Disclaimer: We received a copy of Adam’s First Day at Madrassa for the purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

It is Adam’s first day at madrassa but he is feeling nervous and doesn’t want to go inside. What will Adam think of the madrassa? Join Adam on his first day to find out if he enjoys it.

One of the important things for Muslim children is to learn about their religion – to learn about it, implement in their lives and live according to their beliefs. Some parents are happy to teach their children themselves, whilst others choose to send them to a local madrassa for the children to learn in a group setting. This book is written to reach out to those children who might be feeling nervous by joining Adam on his first day.

Adam’s First Day at Madrassa written and illustrated by Iqrah Razzaq

Adam doesn’t want to go but his big sister encourages him by saying it is a great place to learn about Islam. He nervously goes inside, hears noise and laughter and soon settles in after the friendly imam encourages him to go inside and sit down.

Adam sits next to Ismail who then tells him they have to do wudhu before they pray salah and then proceeds to help him learn the steps of wudu. As the story goes into detail about the steps of wudhu, this will help any children reading it learn about the steps if they do not know the steps. The dua after wudhu is also included in Arabic. Adam is then able to answer the questions about Wudhu when the iman asks and leaves the madrassa having had a good day learning about Wudhu on his first day.

What Did We Think?

The book is lovely and colourful which will appeal to the little ones who will be reading it, or being read to. The steps of wudhu are also clearly and simply explained.

Personally I would have liked to have seen a bit more in the book of the imam explaining what the children will be learning about and how they will be learning; for example when Bee went to Madrassa they had books to work from, learnt duas and hadiths and this may have been useful to mention briefly in the story. However that may have made the whole story a bit too long and complicated. The story does show that there is nothing to be nervous about when attending the madrassa and children will make friends and learn things; which was the aim of the book.

If you want more a more detailed look into the book then you may want to want my IGTV.

If you like the look of the book and would like to purchase it then it is available from Amazon (affiliate link).

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