Half term week and to be honest not a lot happening. In normal times we probably would have gone to other cities to eat out and have a couple of days out. This time it has been a lot of screen time.
Sunday 14 February – Day 45
Valentines Day but we don’t really celebrate it. No unnecessary expenditure which suits us. Hubby was at work and I started a school project with Bee to make a volcano. No idea what we are doing but having a go. I hate crafts
Monday 15 February – Day 46
Hubby’s birthday today. Normally we would have gone out to eat. I didn’t bother getting cake as he rarely eats it as he is diabetic and I am currently being very strict with sugar due to my diabetes. Did tell the girls to bake something if they wanted cake but they weren’t fussed…Bee made her dad a card though. Instead I was healthy and had fruit and we just all chilled at home as he had a day off.
Tuesday 16 February – Day 47
Pancake day. Got up to make pancakes and realised we had no flour left to make them. Instead we ordered a takeaway and I had the masala fish again. Getting a bit addicted to that.
Wednesday 17 February – Day 48
We had ordered some squirrel food and decided to venture out to find the squirrels at the local park. Seems like a lot of people had the same idea as whenever we spotted one people were already giving them nuts and things to eat. We gave out a few nuts and then decided to come back another day but earlier on to miss the crowds.
Thursday 18 February – Day 49
Decided to work on our ‘Shoebox Theatre’ and decided to make a unicorn theme one. So basically as colourful as possible. Didn’t finish it though…will finish it over the rest of the week. Also received an email saying that I should be shielding and need to shield until 31st March. Well its not as though I was going out much anyway.
Friday 19 February – Day 50
Didn’t do much today. Asked my nephew to collect the cats cat food that I had ordered and paid for as technically I should be shielding and then myself and the girls chilled at home. A lot of Nintendo Switch play today and film watching.
Saturday 20 February – Day 51
Chilled out Saturday. Finished the volcano project. We had had enough of the paper mache and just ended up painting it black with the eldest adding tissue paper for lava. Not a masterpiece at all but it will do!
I am loving the Shoebox Theatre and volcano projects, they both look fab. We have played far too much nintendo switch this week
The projects were something to keep Bee occupied for a bit!
We have had a lot of screen time too during half term but it has been nice and relaxing.
Happy birthday to your hubby. The fruit looks so good and so does the fish
The Shoebox Theatre looks brilliant. I love how bright and colourful it is and the volcano looks fantastic. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Week 7 of #Project365. 13th – 19th February. A photo every day for a year!
Yes have to agree it has been quite relaxing!
Loving the volcano. i hate school projects like that, although I do like crafts I choose. We’ve had a lot of screen time here too.
Can’t help the screen time!
That masala fish looks delicious!
Islam – The Ultimate Truth recently posted…Reclaim Your Heart ~ Beautiful Passage
It was alhamdulillah!
I remember our volcano making attempts – looks like a good one. The Masala fish sounds nice. #365
Thank you!
That masala fish looks very yummy. Love how colourful the shoebox theatre is and the volcano looks good. #project365
Thank you!
the volcano project looks amazing my daughter too would love it I suppose… fresh fruit is always a good idea. masala fish looks amazing…
Shahira recently posted…How to Take Consent From Our Children? – Week 8, 2021 – Project 365
Thanks. Just glad the project it over now!
All of the girl’s craft projects look pretty amazing this week. The fish looks very tasty too. I think everyone had the same half term, Lots of staying in and screen time #365
Jane – Our Little Escapades recently posted…Our Siblings During February 2021
It does seem like it!
We lo spent a lot of time on tech as there were days when I was working. I think the last couple of months have been very tech-heavy! Love the look of the theatre so bright and colourful. The volcano looks good too, I must admit I am glad that we do not get many projects for the home learning.
Mudpie Fridays recently posted…Liked & Loved February 2021
Yes certainly been tech heavy here!
The fish takeout looks good! The volcano turned out really well. Love how the theatre is coming together, the clouds look very happy! My boys have had a fair bit of screen time too, I had hoped we would get out more but half term was over so fast.
Karen Langridge recently posted…Mother’s Day Wine Gift Ideas With Independent Wine
I think many of us have had extra screen time!