Week 21 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 23rd May – Day 142

A quiet Sunday as usual. Not a lot happening really. General chilling, cooking and cleaning. Loving the peonies that are flowering in the garden.

Monday 24th May – Day 143

Woke up feeling really achey and tired. Hubby had today off work as he had to get his car fixed so he did the school runs too and made dinner. He got me some chicken strips from the takeaway for lunch. Must admit I spent pretty much all day resting and not doing a lot. I checked my blood pressure with hubbys wrist monitor (as I am high risk of pre eclampsia) and it was showing my blood pressure as excessively high. He said he doesn’t think that one is right and my dads monitor is better…so asked my nephew to bring it round. Thankfully that showed my blood pressure as normal. Not sure why I felt so off though.

Tuesday 25th May – Day 144

After freaking out a bit yesterday as wasn’t feeling well, I decided it was time to get my hospital bag ready just incase the baby does arrive early. It is kind of early but better to be prepared. So as soon as hubby had dropped the girls at school, hubby took me shopping before it got too busy. Got a few bits for the bag and started packing it along with the baby’s bag. Then later popped to an Asian clothes shop to get some clothes as I finally seem to be getting a bit of a bump so wanted to get some loose outfits. Also went and collected my iron tablets from the pharmacy as they were finally prescribed.

Wednesday 26th May – Day 145

Weather not great but had agreed to meet a couple of friends for lunch at the local park. I had woken up feeling tired again and didn’t feel like going…but the fresh air did me good and it was nice catching up with friends after a long time.

Thursday 27th May – Day 146

Popped to another Asian clothes shop as need to get some white trousers to go with the tops I got earlier in the week and also need to buy some new hijabs. These cookies and brownies were from the eldests school. The sixth formers had set up a temporary business selling 4 cookies and 4 brownies for £5. Had decided to order them and support them. The cookies were ok but the brownies tasted like sponge cake rather than brownies and not particularly sweet.

Friday 28th May – Day 147

A friend popped round today. She lives about 45 mins away but is moving further away to around 2 hours and wanted to see me before she moved. Plus I had a few things to give her and to save me travelling she came. It was nice to see her as she’s one of my closest friends and we haven’t seen each other for a long time. My garden has been stressing me out as it’s such a mess but have some nice colour. In the evening cut the grass with the help of the eldest as it was just so overgrown and I had enough of the mess and waiting for hubby to do it.

Saturday 29th May – Day 148

I hate going to the shops on a Saturday but the eldest needed some fish to practice a fish dish for her mock exam. And Bee needed some sandals seeing as the weather has finally decided to give us a few sunny days. So took her straight after karate and also got myself some sandals too. Then stopped off at Poundland and got some snacks ready for our trip to Wales. Got an instagram post live about My Little Sishy Dumplings we were sent to review.

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