Teaching Your Child to Pray with My Salah Mat

Disclosure: We were sent the My Salah Mat for the purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

Child in garden praying on My Salah Mat

When it came to teaching salah to the girls I was quite ‘late’ with the eldest. Although she knew all the recitations she only really started praying once she hit puberty but alhamdulillah now does pray 5 times a day. I didn’t want to leave it so late with Bee. Salah is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and we should hasten to teach our children about it. We should encourage them, in still a love of salah in them and also remind them of the importance of praying.

“Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.” [Quran, 20:14]

Bee, like her sister, already knows all her recitations but does not know all the ‘steps’ yet. I was beginning to teach her when we received the My Salah Mat which will definitely aid her in learning.

What is the My Salah Mat?

A fun, easy and interactive educational prayer mat to help you children learn the fundamentals of salah. With 36 active touch sensitive keys, your children can learn about:

  • Wudu
  • Adhan
  • Surah and Dua
  • Salah Times
  • Salah Positions

In addition to this the prayer mat has 15 speaking language.

Whats in the box?

  • Educational Prayer Mat
  • Salah Activity Book
  • Manual Book
  • Success for Parents.

Watch the video for a detailed look at the mat and the booklets that accompany it.

What did we think?

The educational prayer mat is a useful tool in starting to teach your children the salah. It will help them learn the steps prior to salah such as wudu and the interactive mat makes it more fun and gives the children a bit of independence too to learn with some parental guidance. Listening to the recitations will also help the children with their pronunciation.

Although Bee is 8, I would highly recommend getting this for the younger children as they start their salah journey. I had started telling Bee about the steps of Salah already so she knows roughly when she has to go into sujood etc, but the mat is helping to remind her of the different positions and in sha Allah in no time she will be confident in praying 2 rakah.

To find out more, head over to the My Salah Mat Website.

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