Week 37 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 12th September – Day 254

Bee had received some Crystalina to review so today took some time out to play with them and take some pictures for a blog post.

Monday 13th September – Day 255

Was feeling a bit stressed so headed to my mums house when hubby left for work so could get a bit of help with baby and some adult conversation. Appointment at a local clinic in the afternoon to get baby weighed. She has put on 3lb since she has been born. Talked to them about her not settling, crying and that I think she has colic. They suggested that I put her on comfort milk. So will give that a go. Hubby brought some on his way home from work and will start it tomorrow. Came home from the school run and found some parcels left in full view of anyone passing – could easily have been stolen. Was not impressed.

Tuesday 14th September – Day 256

Not a lot happening today – got to say am drained. Baby is hard work. So just watched TV and tried to nap when she slept. Started her on comfort milk and already noticed less screaming.

Wednesday 15th September – Day 257

Bee’s 9th Birthday today. She is the eldest in her class. Didn’t have much planned as she had school and then an Islamic class in the evening. We went to Nani’s house to cut the cake and the had made her some chicken rice she had asked for. She got some new games for her Nintendo Switch, some money and a watch.

Thursday 16th September – Day 258

Hubby’s day off..he did a bit of tidying up and cleaning as I am just exhausted all day with the baby who just wants to be held. We treated ourselves to a takeaway in the evening. Tried a kebab roll from a new place. It was nice.

Friday 17th September – Day 259

The comfort milk does seem to be helping. There is less screaming and she will lie down for a short while or sit in her swing. The downsides are that she now has a watery spit up at times, when she passes wind it stinks real bad, and her poo has gone green and runny…….will stick with it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes.

Saturday 18th September – Day 260

Checked my c-section scar myself for the first time today as was feeling a bit of pain. Not sure if theres a hint of infection. Will keep an eye on it and phone the GP on Monday if it seems worse. Just a chilled day. Bee went karate in the morning and then Nani’s house in the afternoon…so it was a quiet one. Munched on chocolate throughout the day which I shouldn’t really…..but been given so much chocolate as gifts this time! Nephew got us pizza in the evening.

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