Week 39 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 26th September – Day 268

Baby is having more wake moments as is a bit more alert. She is a hard baby to entertain though when she is awake. She does seem to like this unicorn from Lamaze. A chilled day at home.

Monday 27th September – Day 269

My days are uneventful these days. Just spent at home with baby and watching Netflix when she is asleep. I can;t do much as she will only sleep in my arms during the day at the moment.

Tuesday 28th September – Day 270

6-8 week check today along with baby’s first immunisations. Appointments were at 9.30 and 9.45 and we weren’t seen until 10.30. Check’s went ok and she screamed with her injections. She was a bit unsettled during the day bit nothing major. It is the first time she has worn something other than baby grows….thought we would make the effort! My check went ok…doctor said my stitches have healed nicely and the random sharp pains I am experiencing are probably when I have over done things.

Wednesday 29th September – Day 271

Hubby’s day off and he cooked some chicken pops for lunch and a chicken pasta dish for the evening. Am so grateful he is a good cook and I can rest up and just so drained these days.

Thursday 30th September – Day 272

Hubby had another day off and he decided to try doing Uber locally….usually he goes Cambridge. Baby won’t settle with him so there is no point him sitting at home…but he usually takes Thursday off as that is his day to take Bee to karate. He got me a salted caramel ice cream which was really nice. Had an extra check from the health visitor as they saw baby was unsettled at her weigh in and I was a bit emotional. But things are better. She suggested I try to get out to groups but baby cries in the car seat and she wouldn’t lay long enough for me to do baby massage or anything.

Friday 1st October – Day 273

A quiet day. Managed to have a quick shower and wash my hair thoroughly before hubby went to work. And then spent pretty much all day just holding the baby! Parents treated us to a takeaway in the evening.

Saturday 2nd October – Day 274

A quiet day. Bee went to karate and then she spent the afternoon at the grandparents house. Myself and eldest stayed at home and we tried out some chicken spring rolls I had recently had ordered. Fried them today and they were nice.

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