Week 44 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 31st October – Day 303

A quiet Sunday as usual. Wanted to try the new dessert place and the nephew got us some after work. It is like a long waffle with ice cream and flavours…I chose a mint one.

Monday 1st November – Day 304

Back to school for the two eldest girls. Before I used to look forward to them going to school after the holidays to give me a break but now I miss them as they are quite helpful with the baby when they are home. Some clothes I had ordered for baby arrived…I think its time we started getting out of baby grows and make an effort.

Tuesday 2nd November – Day 305

Baby had her 2nd lot of immunisations today. We had to cancel them last week due to us all having colds. She wasn’t happy and cried all the way home.

Wednesday 3rd November – Day 306

A quiet day. Hubby had a day off and we just relaxed and he did a bit of cooking. I made the effort to get baby out of her baby grows and into one of the outfits I had got. Although baby grows are so much easier, especially if you aren’t going anywhere.

Thursday 4th November – Day 307

Slightly cheating a bit as this is tomorrows photo….but the foil blanket arrived today. I had seen a few mums mention it for sensory play and it is great….she loves it.

Friday 5th November – Day 308

We don’t really celebrate bonfire night so an uneventful day again. We just saw a few fireworks out the window. I captured the sky around sunset time…loved how the clouds look.

Saturday 6th November – Day 309

Had some blog stuff to do on instagram and managed to get a post about a book and a post about hijabs done. It is hard sometimes as I can only get things done when the baby is in a good mood. Thankfully she is finally playing a lot more and I am not as stressed as I was.

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