Week 47 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 21st November – Day 324

A usual quiet Sunday. Girls just chilled and eldest fitted in some revision. Ordered some dessert and the baby booties I ordered for baby arrived today. Have to take her out on Thursday evening and wanted to make sure her feet were warm.

Monday 22nd November – Day 325

Worked on some blog posts and took pictures of some review items – these are some laser pegs which were quite fun.

Tuesday 23rd November – Day 326

Some time ago the eldest’s school participated in a writing competition where they had to write a short story in 100 words. Her’s was one that was picked and published. The book finally arrived at the school and she got her copy.

Wednesday 24th November – Day 327

Had an online meeting first thing in the morning about some scouts training. Hubby kept an eye on baby and thankfully she played and didn’t cry. Then in the evening he treated us to takeaway…I got a biryani.

Thursday 25th November – Day 328

Had a deadline for a review item and managed to finish the post for the Laser Pegs Multi-Models we were sent to review. In the evening went to a scouts meeting as it was the investitures. I was invested, received my badges and neckers and am officially the group scout leader. I hadn’t planned to take that role but I found out I was pregnant when we first talked about setting up a group and it was decided that role would be better as I wouldn’t have to attend weekly meetings and work more behind the scenes.

Friday 26th November – Day 329

Not doing much today…just chilling. Baby is getting the hang of holding things but still struggles with the co ordination. She did her best with this teether she was sent to review.

Saturday 27th November – Day 330

While Bee was at karate I decided to tackle her bedroom as it was a complete mess and a couple of her friends and their mum were coming today to meet the baby. I think I over did it even though I only did a bit as I was drained afterwards and my stomach started aching a bit. Our friends brought chocolates and a cute outfit for baby. In the evening I ordered a takeaway as didn’t have the energy to do anything else.

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