2022 – Week 4 of Project 365

This week has been a bit of a nightmare. Baby hasn’t been well, and I had a minor crying breakdown due to exhaustion.

Day 23 – Sunday 23 January

A quiet Sunday as usual. Hubby and brought home more chocolate. Can’t complain as love this Lindt one.

Day 24 – Monday 24 January

I had noticed baby’s right under eye had been looking a bit red since Saturday and today it looked worse. I didn’t want to take any risks with her eyesight so tried to speak to the doctor. I eventually got through and a doctor rang within a couple of hours. She asked me to bring her in. By the time she was seen it wasn’t as red anymore and turns out it is a stye.

My Candy Kitten sweets arrived today. I had ordered them via a promotion at Christmas where I just had to pay postage. They got lost so they sent out another one. Baby attempted to eat them.

Day 25 – Tuesday 25 January

Baby was feeling unwell all day. Temperature, lots of drooling and not drinking her milk. I put it down to teething. I had an online scouts meeting to get some training but had to cancel as she was literally glued to me.

Day 26 – Wednesday 26 January

No pictures today. Was a rough day as had barely any sleep the night before. Still a temp and not drinking her milk….just an oz or two now and then. Not sure if its teething as she also had a slight runny nose and a slight cough. Was getting worried about her lack of fluids so kept aye on her nappies. Tried water but she only took a few sips. Another rough night.

Day 27 – Thursday 27 January

Not feeling as hot today but still not drinking as much as she should. Tried her with some baby porridge and she took a few mouthfuls of that. Managed to do an online meeting which I hadn’t to miss as it was recruiting a new volunteer for our scouts group. Hubby took the other two girls to town after school to get a present for the eldest’s friend who’s turning 16, and the came home with Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Day 28 – Friday 28 January

Baby feeling much better today and slowly increasing her milk intake. She slept slightly better last night too. Decided not to take her to Music Bugs today as she was still lacking energy. I had ordered her some new teethers which arrived today.

Day 29 – Saturday 29 January

Baby pretty much back to her usual self today, thankfully. Milk intake almost back to normal. I asked my nephew to get some helium balloons as I had seen a video of a baby playing with them tied to their legs and thought I would give it a go. He came home with massive Happy Birthday balloons! She’s 6 months tomorrow so she has happy birthday balloons now! Eldest then went to friends 16th at the local buffet restaurant, so the rest of us ordered a take away.

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