2022 – Week 12 of Project 365

A lovely week with lots of sun!

Day 79 – Sunday 20 March

Made some cookies in the morning and then decided to pop to the garden centre to get some bird seed as we have two Robins that keep coming and watching us. Ended up getting a few small plants too.

Day 80 – Monday 21 March

I think she may be a bum shuffler…she had managed to move slightly closer to the plants in an attempt to grab them. And by the end of the day she was crawling…..or rather shuffling…backwards!

Day 81 – Tuesday 22 March

Went to my Connecting Muslim Mums session and then afternoon spent in the garden. She really loves being outdoors.

Day 82 – Wednesday 23 March

Didn’t really take any pictures today. Headed over to the parents house as dad was concerned about mum. She has had a cold for the past few weeks and today she wasn’t really getting out of bed. By the time we got there she was downstairs on the sofa complaining of a headache. Got her to take some paracetamol and she was improving by the time I left for the school run.

Day 83 – Thursday 24 March

Back to swimming. I almost didn’t go due to not feeling comfortable about changing in front of everyone. But Minu had clearly loved it so decided to go for at least the 10 weeks I have already paid for and then see how I feel after. I had also got myself a big poncho style towel which helped make me feel more comfortable…and got chatting to another mum who also thought it was ridiculous that there are no cubicles to change in afterwards.

Day 84 – Friday 25 March

Not much happening today except for baby group in the morning.

Day 85 – Saturday 26 March

Woke up to the sound of hubby vomiting and he was sick a few times…he thinks it was the chicken he had at a takeaway last night before he came home from work. Told him to stay home and rest up. By the afternoon he was feeling better and took Bee to the fair. Also got these which I really liked.

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