2022 – Week 17 and 18 of Project 365

Day 114 – Sunday 24 April

Had been planning to go to the park to do an instagram reel for some Dr Zigs bubbles we had been sent, but it was just too windy. So did the reel in the garden. Noticed this plant had finally flowered, have had it a couple of years.

Day 115 – Monday 25 April

Not much happening today. Minu keeps heading over to the lights. I really need to move them before she breaks them.

Day 116 – Tuesday 26 April

Baby group in the morning. Then worked on a reel of a jigsaw we were sent to review. My nephew then dropped off some vests for Minu he had got personalised. He calls her Mina, so got her a Mina’a 1st Eid one. The after school took Bee to the shops to get her an outfit for Eid as she doesn’t have one yet. Ended up getting cake from cake box too as the shop is close to the clothes shop.

Day 117 – Wednesday 27 April

Popped over to a friends house to help look after her little one with another friend so this friend could get on with some housework and Eid preps. Didn’t take any pictures.

Day 118 – Thursday 28 April

Took Minu swimming and then not much else No pictures today.

Day 119 – Friday 29 April

Music Bugs in the morning. I wasn’t sure we would make it as Minu has changed her whole routine and usually has a nap at the time of the group. Was a jungle theme today and she seemed to enjoy it. Then after school went back to the clothes shop to get myself an outfit for Eid as the one I was going to wear had shrunk in the wash. Just so glad I checked!

Day 120 – Saturday 30 April

Tried to take Minu’s 9 month photo but she kept crawling off! Also started decorating the house for Eid as it will be Monday or Tuesday.

Day 121 – Sunday 01 May

Decided to do a mini photo shoot and try to get some decent pictures of Minu for Eid as wasn’t sure I would get a chance on Eid day. Managed to get a few nice ones.

Day 122 – Monday 02 May 

Eid day. Got over to mums house for 9 and spent pretty much all day there. Was a nice chilled out day. Obviously the girls did miss their dad but they had their uncle and cousin keeping them company. This brownie was so good!

Day 123 – Tuesday 03 May

The school had given Bee Tuesday off. Although the secondary school had said nothing I assumed that the eldest would have the day off to as they are all part of the same school and trust. However a couple of her friends were going to school so the eldest wanted to go. I was a bit annoyed at having to do the school run, especially as it became clear that most had not gone to school. Barely any traffic heading towards her school. Had to take Bee with me to baby group and then afterwards stayed and played at the soft play so Bee could have some fun too. Minu wasn’t too impressed with the ball pit.

Day 124 – Wednesday 04 May

Headed over to a friends house for the morning and then stopped off at the parents in the afternoon before the school run. No photos.

Day 125 – Thursday 05 May 

Took Minu swimming in the morning. Debating whether to stop going as she doesn’t always seem to enjoy it….and usually cries when dressing her afterwards which then stresses me out. Will see. Then went to Beavers in the evening. It was the first session back after the holidays and there were a few new starters so went to have a chat with the parents and introduce myself as Group Scout Leader. Also dropped off the Beaver mascot which will be going home each week with one of the children.

Day 126 – Friday 06 May

Had a very unsettled night with Minu and I barely slept. She got really ‘chesty’ all of a sudden with a runny nose and a slight temp. The temp went during the day and she was playing but her nose was still pretty runny. Nephew was off work today so he collected the girls from school and then took Bee to karate too for me.

Day 127 – Saturday 07 May

Another very unsettled night with Minu. But she was better during the day. Nose wasn’t running as much by the end of the day. The sun was out so went into the garden for a bit and did a few loads of washing. Our peonies are flowering and look gorgeous.

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