2022 – Week 19 of Project 365

Day 128 – Sunday 08 May

Spent Sunday tidying up the house and cleaning the kitchen. No pictures as nothing interesting happened.

Day 129 – Monday 09 May

Nephew phoned after work asking if we wanted a takeaway. We had already eaten so then he brought some dessert over saying its the last night to party before my hubby comes back tomorrow!

Day 130 – Tuesday 10 May

My nephew came over in the morning to help lower Minu’s cot base as she can now sit up and try to climb out of it. He treated me to a takeaway for lunch before going to pick up my hubby from the airport. They arrived back at around 8.30pm. Minu was still awake and initially she was a bit wary of her dad but after half an hour they were friends again. He had brought home some pizza flavoured crisps so had to give them a try. Were actually pretty good.

Day 131 – Wednesday 11 May

Hubby had brought home lots of clothes for me and the girls so had to make space for them in the wardrobes. I had told him not to get too many but he hadn’t listened. He also got Minu a little ‘pool’ but I turned it into a ball pit which she loves.

Day 132 – Thursday 12 May

Decided it was time to sort out a passport for Minu. I do want to go on holiday at some point and better to have her passport ready so that’s one less thing to worry about. Decided to try to take her picture at home so will see if it is accepted.

Day 133 – Friday 13 May

Hubby treated me to breakfast in the morning but to be honest as the price has gone up it is really not worth it anymore. They charge £1.50 just to put a sprinkling of onions. tomatoes and chillies in the omelette, and the ‘salad’ was just onions. It is a shame as they used to be good value for money.

Day 134 – Saturday 14 May

Minu has been grumpy quite a bit and her nose is still runny at times. We didn’t go to any of the baby groups this week as I didn’t want to pass on anything to the other babies…but having said that there have been really snotty babies at the groups sometimes. We also finally have teeth! Her top two have cut through. She has also mastered the stairs so need to get a gate ASAP. It was a lovely sunny day….had wanted to go to a local family festival happening but Bee had karate in the morning and then a birthday party in the afternoon….so the rest of us just chilled at home.

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