2022 – Week 20 and 21 of Project 365

Day 135 – Sunday 15 May

Bee had a karate competition in Lutterworth and her dad had agreed to take her. She got third place.

Day 136 – Monday 16 May

Minu has gotten to the stage where she just wants to climb up the stairs all the time. So sent hubby off to get a stair gate. She was not happy once we put it up and stood there for ages.

Day 137 – Tuesday 17 May

A quiet day. Spent some time in the garden. A lot of colour now and roses doing well. Eldest had her first exam. Can’t believe she’s old enough to do her GCSE’s!

Day 138 – Wednesday 18 May

One of the shops that hubby goes to has started selling ice cream and he brought some home for us to try. Not bad for £1

Day 139 – Thursday 19 May

A quiet day. Didn’t take any pictures. A very old friend of my parents passed away yesterday and hubby took my parents to the funeral today. I would have liked to have gone as I knew him but with the kids school and the eldest going through her exams I had to be home.

Day 140 – Friday 20 May

Finally went to baby group after a few weeks off as Minu had a runny nose. Was nice to get back out again.

Day 141 – Saturday 21 May

Was determined to tidy the garden. Last year I didn’t get to do much as I was pregnant and risk of bleeds so had to take it easy. The garden was a mess. But I managed to get a lot done with my new gloves and was pleased with how it looked afterwards although still quite a bit to do.

Day 142 – Sunday 22 May

Spent most of the day in the garden now it’s a lot tidier. Minu likes crawling everywhere but have to watch her as she eats the daisy and grass.

Day 143 – Monday 23 May

Took some pictures of a book I was sent and to share if I liked it. Did a post on instagram for it.

Day 144 – Tuesday 24 May

Hubby has been having issues with her car and hadn’t been to work properly since Wednesday. Today I thought he had gone to work but after getting his car checked over it turned out it needed more work so he came home while the car was a the garage. We ended up going out to town as I wanted to get to the bank and also get a few things for the girls. Ended up having lunch out. It was nice to get out and thankfully Minu was well behaved in the restaurant.

Day 145 – Wednesday 25 May

Had a blood test in the morning as I have an annual review next week and they specifically want to check my cholesterol as they want to put me on meds for that. Had the nurse who really struggles to get my blood out. She ended up getting it from my hand. Then in the afternoon, driving home after collecting the kids from school, I noticed a nest in the road which had clearly fallen. As I drove past I noticed a baby pigeon just sitting there. Once we got home the girls ran out the back gate (the road was behind our garden) and put the pigeon in a box as we were scared someone would squash it. It looked like its foot was hurt and possibly had a broken leg. After doing a few posts on FB I found someone to collect it and take it to a rehabilitation place.

Day 146 – Thursday 26 May

Woke up tired and not feeling great so asked hubby to get me a karak chai from Chaiiwala. I am not a big tea drinker but drink it if feeling cold and unwell. This is one of the few teas I will drink.

Day 147 – Friday 27 May

Friday Fight Night was happening at Bee’s karate and she wanted to go. We got there just before 5 but she didn’t get to fight till 8.15 but got first place. I am not sure if I will take her again as it gets tiring with Minu….but thankfully she was pretty well behaved for most of the time.

Day 148 – Saturday 28 May

Woke up feeling drained! But headed to the garden centre after picking up Bee from karate as needed a pot to repot my snake plant. Got home and repotted it and also planted some flowers I had got on Monday to plant in my tyre planters. Also shared some pics of an Elmer soft toy and comforter that Minu had been sent for Elmer Day!

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  • Big well done to Bee for winning the third place! That’s a lovely achievement!
    Poor little Minu with the stair gate. I remember how my guys hated the gates, they clearly think it’s so unfair, and an infringement on their freedom. 🙂
    Spotted an Elmer toy. My sons both loved Elmer stories, we have a huge collection of them. The author sadly passed away recently.
    I love chai, but don’t drink it often. During my first pregnancy I was craving it, and used to drink it in the local cafe nearby where we lived then. I think I was their customer no.1, as I went there every day.
    Eat well for less sounds good, will check it out when I am in the book shop next time.

  • Wow to your eldest doing her GCSEs already, hope she’s getting on well with them. The baby is growing so quickly, the neighbours little girl eats the daisies also, Well done rescuing the pigeon, hope it all turned out well

  • Well done to Bee on her third place in the karate competition and on her first place at Friday Fight Night. So sorry to hear about your parents’ friend. The roses in your garden look pretty. Lovely to be able to spend more time out in the garden again. Poor little pigeon. Glad you were able to get it to a rehabilitation place. #project365