Back to School Tips and School Uniform Shopping

Collaborative post with Very

It is that time of year, 6 weeks of summer holidays. Of children being at home, trying to keep them entertained and supply them with endless snacks. But it is also time to start looking forward to the new school year. 6 weeks of the summer holidays can be great for relaxing but it does break your routine which can be hard when it’s time to return to back to school. The potential late nights, the lie in, days out, maybe a holiday abroad, makes it hard to even think about going back to school! But there are some ways in which you can help your child be ready for the new year.

Talk about the new school year

Talk about the new school year with your child. This becomes even more important if your child is changing school, but is also important if the child is moving to a new class where the children have been mixed up so they may no longer be in the same class as their friends. Discussing the change and listening to their feelings may help reassure them if they have any concerns.

Get back into Routine

About a week before the children go back it can help to try to get back into some kind of routine, especially the sleep routines. There is nothing worse then having to get up early after having 6 weeks of lie ins and then have to head to school while still tired. We start phasing in earlier bedtimes in the week before school starts with earlier wake ups and it has certainly helped when returning.

School Uniform shopping

I have always been the kind of parent that leaves the school uniform shopping until last minute….and then can struggle to find the right sizes. Recently I discovered shopping for school uniform online and it saved the stress of going out and trying to find the right sizes. I would recommend buying your uniform sooner rather than later if you are in a position to do so; and look out for deals!

Very have a wide range of Back to School items, including shoes, coats and jackets, sportswear and back to school uniform basics. We picked a number of items from their Back to School range including:

  • Dresses
  • Polo tops
  • Socks
  • Shoes

The polo tops and dresses by V by Very uniform fitted Bee perfectly (we did size up based on her size), and according to her are very comfortable. And the great thing is that if you’re not fully satisfied with your V by Very uniform, you can return within 100 days for a full refund.

Shoes are another essential that can’t be avoided. Very have a range of shoes available online and Bee chose some Kickers shoes. This is the first time Bee has tried Kickers shoes and having worn them already to try them out, is finding them extremely comfortable. A handy size guide on the website ensured we picked the right size for her.

Check supplies

It is always best to check your supplies at the start of the summer holidays and make a list; for example is a new lunch box needed? A new bag? For the children in secondary school, things like pens and folders may need to be added to the shopping list.

Very have a lovely range of bags and Bee opted for a Hype backpack. Spacious but not too big, it is perfect to hold her reading books, water bottle, snacks and anything else she may need to take with her.

Meet up with friends

6 weeks can be a long time to not see your friends so it is ideal if you can arrange some ‘play dates’ with their friends, or encourage older children to catch up with their friends. And if they are going to a new class then maybe try to arrange a meet up with some children from the new class if you know who they are. Meeting up with friends from school is perfect to keep that ‘school connection’ alive and can help make it easier when it is time to return back.

Do you have any tips for getting your children ready for back to school? Feel free to share in the comments.

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