Week 30 of Project 365

Our weeks are usually pretty quiet but we got out and about this week.

Day 205 – Sunday 24 July

A quiet Sunday. I found some Yorkie Orange yesterday and tried it. Love it.

Day 206 – Monday 25 July

Decided to pop into town today as Bee needed some sandals. Ended up getting Minu her first pair of pre-walkers too. There is an event that happens every Monday called Chai and Chat which is about mums getting together at a dessert place and a free drink included. Took the girls and it was OK. Treated them to dessert too. Then popped into the local Cathedral as they are currently holding a dinosaur exhibition. We made a reel of it.

Day 207 – Tuesday 26 July

We headed off to our first blog event which was the Blog On Kids. It started at 10.30 but we didn’t arrive until 12 (hubby’s fault) and we missed out on a lot of free stuff being given out as they had run out by the time we got there. It was the first time that Minu had been on a 2 hour drive and she did really well. She was getting a bit grumpy after about 1.5 hours and finally went to sleep for a bit before we arrived. Minu and Bee both had fun and Bee got to hold a snake. And they loved their goody bags which we got at the end. It was also the nephews birthday so picked up his cupcakes I had ordered on the way home.

Day 208 – Wednesday 27 July

Today was a quiet day at home recovering from yesterday and exploring their goody bags.

Day 209 – Thursday 28 July

Decided to pop to the local garden garden centre as wanted to get some flowers for my hanging basket and because they have some animals there (like a mini petting zoo). However when we got there it was all change and no animals! So instead we headed to the pet shop and the fish shop. The pet shop had some cute guinea pigs and am tempted to get some now.

Day 210 – Friday 29 July

Decided to head to the farm today after our disappointment of not seeing any animals yesterday! It is Minu’s first visit to the farm and she absolutely loved seeing the animals. She wasn’t scared and was reaching out to touch the sheep and goats. I have previously written about Sacrewell before. You can see a reel of this visit:

Day 211 – Saturday 30 July

Minu’s first birthday. Her dad had to go to work but said he would come home earlier so can cut the cake in the evening. I had been planning to take her to soft play but she hadn’t slept well the night before and went back to sleep around 10am. The didn’t wake up till 1pm! So we just headed over to my parents house after she had opened her presents and we had taken some pictures. Then once my nephew and hubby were home we decided to try the local buffet. But as it was Saturday it was packed so tried another restaurant. Honestly I hadn’t wanted to go by then as Minu was hungry and grumpy as she had been awake since 1pm. 30 mins later the food still hadn’t arrived and I turned round and said I am going home as Minu was being difficult….the decor was dark and even I was begging to feel a bit claustrophobic. So I drove Minu home and the rest of them got the food packed and brought it home in the other car. Minu was in a much better mood thankfully once she was home.

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