Weeks 42 and 43 of Project 365

Day 289 – Sunday 16 October

It was the day of the Great Eastern Run and the marathon lot pass by my parents house. I checked the times and the roads were closing at like 7am when the marathon didn’t start until 10.30. But when I checked the enforced closures for my parents road was 10am. So I got the girls ready and left home at 9am. Got to my parents road and there were cones already blocking off the road. Must admit I dodged them and slightly went on the pavement to get past them. I know I probably shouldn’t have done that but it was ridiculous closing the roads that early. I knew the race hadn’t started and there was no-one in sight so it was safe. My nephew also thought he had until 10 to get his car out for work..so I got there and told him to get his out ASAP. Minu was confused as to what was going on when she saw all the runners run by!

Day 290 – Monday 17 October

Mondays are usually a quiet one at home. I would say Minu doesn’t completely love the rocking dragon her grandparents got her but she does sit on it now and then.

Day 291 – Tuesday 18 October

I got an air fryer ages ago and then stopped using it as it was too small for us as a family and easier to put things in the oven. I was going to sell it but glad I didn’t now as I can use it for quick things at lunch for Minu..tried hash browns and fish fingers in them today and they came out nice in just over 10 mins.

Day 292 – Wednesday 19 October

Did some food shopping before hubby went to work and came across this Tango Berry. I almost didn’t get it as hubby thought it might be too strong…but I love it. Need to go get some more!

Day 293 – Thursday 20 October

Toddler group today. Loved the black glittery sand, never seen black sand before. I also managed to change our day for the group to Wednesdays. Hubby usually takes Thursday off work so then find it difficult to do anything with him if we are going off to group!

Day 294 – Friday 21 October

A quiet day. Didn’t do anything special so no pictures.

Day 295 – Saturday 22 October

I had heard of a new soft play with cafe which is perfect for the little ones as its not massive – you can pretty much see the whole area while you have a drink….and today we finally visited it. It is close to Bee’s karate. Usually her dad takes her Saturday morning but he had to leave early today..so once we dropped her off, myself and the eldest took Minu. Also met up with a friend. It was nice and Minu loved it. You have to book in advance and its a maximum of 15 kids so it doesn’t get too packed. The food was also nice and reasonably priced. I made an instagram reel.

Day 296 – Sunday 23 October

Woke up to a sore throat and generally not feeling great. Managed to cook a curry for the evening and then just rested. Realised that I am going to be sick over half term and will likely have to cancel all plans.

Day 297 – Monday 24 October

Had been hoping it was just a 24 hour thing but woke up worse. And you know I am feeling bad when I have a cup of tea. (Don’t usually drink tea). Asked the older girls to keep an eye on Minu and keep her entertained while I tried to rest up.

Day 298 – Tuesday 25 October

We were meant to be meeting friends at soft play today but we had to cancel plans as I just didn’t feel up to taking them and then chasing after Minu for 2 hours. No pictures as just rested at home.

Day 299 – Wednesday 26 October

Still feeling rough – the plan today had been to go to Birmingham but I just didn’t have the energy for it. No pictures again.

Day 300 – Thursday 27 October

Feeling slightly better but nephew was off work so he offered to drop Bee off to karate and pick her up to allow me to rest up more.

Day 301 – Friday 28 October

Ventured out today. Bee was booked into Inflatanation with a friend (bouncy castle type place) and I had said I would book Minu in if I was feeling better. But sadly although they had a ticket for an under 4 they didn’t for an adult so instead we wandered around the shops with the eldest. Got tempted by more plants.

Day 302 – Saturday 29 October

Still feeling a bit tired after being ill all week but it was a quiet Saturday. I had to get up early to drop hubby off to drive a minibus for our Scouts group who were off to the UK Muslim Scout Fellowship Olympics in London. Bee tagged along to keep him company.He had to take a day off work as I couldn’t find anyone else to drive the mini bus we had hired from another scouts group. As Group Scout Leader I had wanted to go too but it would have been too long a day for Minu. So instead we chilled at home and ordered a takeaway for lunch. I did a quick instagram post for some Weebles we had been sent. Minu loved them.

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