Book Review: Tittle Tattle Talia

Disclosure: We received Tittle Tattle Talia for the purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions are our own. This post contains affiliate links.

Some of our favourite books are those that are inspired by hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ and this book is. It teaches about the dangers of backbiting and gossiping in a child friendly way.

Author: Salwah Isaacs-Johaadien

Illustrator: Zeyneb Yildirim


Age: 3+

”Can YOU resist a juicy story? Talia cannot; she loves talking about other people and she loves to hear about them too. Her tittle-tattling makes her very popular and before she knows it, her tales start to get taller and taller.”

There are a number of hadiths that relate to the themes in this story but the main one is:

Abu Harairah reported: The Prophet ﷺ said. ‘Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent.’ [Muslim]

Gossiping and backbiting is something that should be discussed with children from a young age and teach them that it’s not something they should do; it is so easy to fall into the trap of doing it without realising. And that is what the book teaches.

Talia’s family remind her that is is a bad habit to have, but she doesn’t understand why she should stop….until at the end of the story she learns a lesson as do the children who used to listen to her gossiping.

With cute illustrations and diverse characters, this book teaches a valuable lesson to young children in a fun and engaging way.

You can watch my Instagram reel to find out a bit more about the book.

If you like the sound of the book then it is available to purchase from Kube Publishing or Amazon:

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