Week 50 of Project 365

Day 345 – Sunday 11 December

A very cold day. Stayed at home. I hate the cold but at the same time it does make for some stunning winter pictures. Have to admit I am dreading the bills. Am keeping the heating on for pretty much all the day for Minu.

Day 346 – Monday 12 December

Even colder today. Looks like its going to get colder before it gets better…and its not going to get better until next week. We seem to be avoiding the snow though..its mainly ice. Am so grateful though that hubby does the morning school runs so I am not faffing around defrosting the car and don’t have to drag Minu out first thing in the cold.

Day 347 – Tuesday 13 December

Our usual Tuesday toddler group ended last week…and I was too cold to try to take her anywhere else. So just stayed at home. She managed to get hold of a pencil while my back was turned and wrote on the wall….she then seemed very happy with her artwork. Just glad it was a pencil and not a pen.

Day 348 – Wednesday 14 December

It was really cold this morning but I got ready and took Minu to her toddler group. It was the final one and we had paid extra for the party. Got there to find they were shut due to sickness…apparently messages had been sent out but I didn’t get one. Was not happy as it was cold and its not nearby, its in a nearby village. Messaged them politely to say next time please text/email…it appears they had a wrong number for me on the register. In the end took Minu to a Muslim Mums meet up. I don’t always go to that as it clashes with her nap time…but as she woke up late and then didn’t get tired out as there was no group, I decided to take her to the meet up instead. Had a slice of coconut cake at the cafe which was really nice.

Day 349 – Thursday 15 December

Hubby’s day off and we decided to go to a big garden centre which is about 20 mins away. Wanted to see if I could find a nice present for dad as its his birthday next month…they do homeware and clothes too. Found a nice fleece and hubby got Bee some cat earrings. Minu loved the pet section as we got to see some animals. The parrot called Alfie said hello a few times.

Day 350 – Friday 16 December

A quiet day at home. Bee’s school were holding a session outside to sing carols around the tree. I was a bit annoyed about that as it was so cold and they were going to make them stand there singing…their compromise was to make it shorter and just for 20 mins. I did consider pulling her out of school but then I thought she wouldn’t like it a she probably wanted to be with her friends so I left it. I didn’t attend as it was too cold and Minu refuses to wear a hat and gloves. I assumed that they would let the kids who’s parents weren’t there back into school until we came to collect them at the normal time but they made them wait outside. So basically she was out in the cold for around 40 mins. I was fuming as if I had known they were expecting all the kids to leave when their singling finished, I would have got there earlier.

I put batteries in Minu’s robot after a long time. Now she is a bit more alert she didn’t know what to think about it and it got shoved and even a little kick when it was moving!

Day 351 – Saturday 17 December

Went to Bee’s karate party. I generally don’t attend Christmas parties but they also hold end of the year awards too, so we went for the awards. I was wary as it clashed with Minu’s nap time….but she loved it…and she even managed to nap through the noise when she got really tired! It was nice to go and see some of the other parents as I rarely see them now. Bee received an award for being a regular helper and also an award for Sportsmanship….basically they said she’s always supportive of her teammates and ready to help out. So proud of her.

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