Gift ideas for toddlers – Birthday and Eid gifts

This gift ideas for toddlers post contains affiliate links, and some companies mentioned I have worked with previously.

We have a number of celebrations coming up, Eid and Minu’s birthday. I generally do not buy lots of gifts just for the sake of it, but do my research and try to find beneficial presents that will be enjoyed and are educational.

There is such a variety of toys available that it can be overwhelming for parents to know what to purchase. Toddlers are learning about the world around them and are becoming more aware of the function of objects. So it is beneficial to find toys that can help develop their understanding and skills.

Toys that develop skills

There are a wide range to toys that can develop different skills.

Hand Eye Coordination and Problem Solving

Shape toys such as activity cubes with different shaped blocks are great for hand eye coordination as the children try to get the right shapes into the the right spaces. Simple nesting cups and blocks are also ideal. Just a ball and throwing it and catching it is great for hand eye coordination.

Social And Emotional Development

Role playing toys are ideal to aid social and emotional development. Toys such as a pretend kitchen or playing with dolls and teddies.

Cause and Effect

Toys can also teach cause and effect; that their actions can cause something to happen. Pop up toys and musical toys are great for this along with busy boards which tend to have buttons and levers.

Outdoor Toys

When the weather brightens up it is nice to have outdoor toys. We are lucky to have a decent sized garden so we have a few toys. Our favourites for the garden are:

  • Slide
  • Rocker
  • Football
  • Sand and water table
  • Water table
  • A tuff tray
  • Scooter

A tuff tray is so versatile and can even be used indoors. If you don’t want a sperate table for sand and water play, then the tuff tray can be used for water play, sand play and any other play that takes your fancy.

Islamic Gifts

If you are specifically looking for Islamic gifts for toddlers, then Desi Doll Company are ideal. From Cot mobiles, dua pillows to talking dolls, you are sure you find a perfect gift got your little muslim. Amira the singing princess is a favourite in our house.

You can read my previous post where I shared some Islamic toys for Eid gifts.

Does your toddler have a favourite toy? Do share in the comments.

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  • “Great suggestions for toddler gifts! I appreciate your thoughtful approach, focusing on both enjoyment and education. The outdoor toy ideas are perfect for active play, and the inclusion of Islamic gifts adds a personal touch. Amira the singing princess sounds delightful! Thanks for sharing these valuable ideas.”