Project 365 – Week 23 of 2023

Back to school and toddler groups this week.

Week 23 – 4 June to 10 June 2023

Day 155 – Sunday

Eldest had her first driving lesson today but both myself and the eldest didn’t like the instructor. After I met her and found her to be abrupt and cold, I checked out some reviews. I didn’t find many but the ones I did find mentioned she had made the students cry and that she was very abrupt. So now on the hunt for another driving instructor, but have found that many don’t even bother replying!

Bee had a birthday party to go to so while she was at the party, myself and the eldest decided to take Minu to Full of Beans which is a cafe and soft play. We were the only ones there and it was nice to have the place to ourselves. We are brand ambassadors for the place so can offer a Full of Beans Discount Code.

Day 156 – Monday

My birthday today. Kids went off to school without even wishing me a happy birthday. Hubby then suggested we go out to breakfast. I honestly didn’t feel like it but knew that was the only effort that was going to be made all day so I got myself and Minu ready.

I was then cooking for the evening and hubby asked if we wanted to go to the local buffet. I wasn’t fussed but the girls wanted to go so he came home from work early and we went.

Day 157 – Tuesday

Back to one of our favourite toddler groups this morning. Then took some pics of some face creams I had been sent to review. I actually quite like them!

Day 158 – Wednesday

Bee had a football match after school and while she was there, the rest of us popped into town to get a few bits. I made use of my £5 birthday voucher from Hotel Chocolat and put it towards a packet of these. They are quite nice.

Day 159 – Thursday

Our outdoors toddler group in the morning and then she had an extremely long nap once we got home! The husband was home today and he got some pakistani mangoes from one of the local shops. These are the best mangoes in my opinion!

Day 160 – Friday

There was a Reading event happening in the local park so decided to go check it out. It was more for the children getting ready for school but Minu got involved in some singing and got a free book. We only stayed a short while and then she played in the play area.

Day 161 – Saturday

Mini heatwave today. We tend to stay at home when its really hot! Popped to the parents first thing and then came home for lunch after picking up Bee from karate. Eldest went to her friends for a bit and Minu just played. The cat made herself comfy on my bed!!

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