Project 365 – Week 36 of 2023

Week 36 – 3 September to 9 September 2023

Back to school this week and back to routine. And of course we had to have a mini heatwave.

Day 246 – Sunday

Decided it was time to cut down the buddleia bushes. There were only a few flowers left and decided to do it before the weather gets colder and rainy! The girls decided to make a den with the big branches and then the cat spent most of the day in it.

Day 247 – Monday

Back to school for the older two girls. Year 13 and Year 6. The eldest will be applying for uni’s while I will need to apply for secondary schools for Bee. A big year for both girls. Minu was upset when her sisters left but managed to distract her by digging out some toys she hasn’t played with for a while. She spent pretty much all day playing with the trains.

Day 248 – Tuesday

Decided to get Minu a stroller for her doll as she had loved pushing a doll around at her friends house. Had ordered it online and her dad picked it up before he went to work. She was pleased to see it and put her doll in it immediately. Then stayed at home – we are having a few rest days after the summer holidays!

Day 249 – Wednesday

Finally went out to group today and then just chilled at home until it was time to do the school run.

Day 250 – Thursday

A quick trip to Cambridge to Bravissimo. It has been a while since I have got some decent bra’s and wanted to get measured up. Shouldn’t have wasted my time though. Although I had phoned in the morning and booked an appointment, they were short staffed and it took a while for me to be seen…and then she was dealing with me and another lady at the same time…and I got left alone for ages. I could hear Minu shouting for me as it was taking so long (even though her dad was trying to distract her…and I was on the verge of walking out when she returned to see how I was doing and considering we had travelled to Cambridge I decided to stick it out and get a couple of bras. But I have had better attention when I went to get fitted at M&S ages ago. It was a really hot day and when we got home the cat was lying in the conservatory. I was worried she had overheated or something but she was fine….she has catflaps and could have gone outside or into the house so clearly she chose to be in the conservatory which felt like a sauna!

Day 251 – Friday

I was meant to take Minu to our new Hartbeeps session but mum had an appointment with her heart consultant. Left Minu at my parents with her dad, grandad and cousin and took mum. They did an ECG and discovered her heart was pumping too quickly and her blood pressure was too high. So the consultant has given her a different dose of her medication and we have to return in a week to see if it has helped. Got home and then Minu had her nap and so did the cat…so had about an hour and a half of peace.

Day 252 – Saturday

A hot day and Bee decided not to go to karate as they have no air con and the top floor gets extremely hot. Later got a message anyway to say the second class had been cancelled anyway so it was good she didn’t go. Eldest went to Nottingham Uni for the open day with her dad and the rest of us stayed indoors in front of the fan. It was just too hot for us to go out. My parcel of incense cones arrived. Have to say I found it a bit strong!

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