Project 366 – 19th February to 25th February

Week 8

Half term week. Managed to get a couple of things fitted in at the start, then Minu got a slight cold and we ended up just relaxing at home.

Monday Headed to Inflatabounce with some friends. It is about a 30 min drive away and basically is a huge warehouse filled with inflatables, a cafe, a sweet shop and a small ice cream parlour. Minu had fun, Bee kind of enjoyed it but not somewhere she is desperate to go back to. Minu said she wanted to go back ‘next week’. Everything is next week these days.

Tuesday The forecast showed that today was one of the few days with no rain, so husband took the day off work and we headed to Drayton Manor. The big rides were not open, just Thomas Land, the zoo and they had a special Dinosaur event on. It was perfect for Minu though, it wasn’t crazy busy so there were barely any queues for the ride which was ideal as she is so impatient when we have to wait. Was a lovely day and Bee was quite happy to go on the rides in Thomas Land with her sister. (There is a reel on instagram of our day out).

Wednesday A quiet day at home. I had been suspicious that Minu was coming down with a cold as she was unsettled at night at sounded a bit chesty and I was right. She didn’t seem to have a temperature even during the night but clearly was getting a blocked nose. Seemed ok during the day though.

Thursday Another unsettled night with Bee and she has a slight snotty nose – but we managed to bake some cookies (well I did with her and Bee mixing a bit). They went down well.

Friday Minu still a bit unsettled at night but seemed ok during the day so popped to the parents for an hour to show our faces. Then came home so eldest could get on with her revision for her mocks in a couple of weeks. No pictures.

Saturday Minu is sleeping better again now but decided on another quiet and lazy day at home. Even Bee didn’t want to go to karate. I had received some books to review and got a quick review up on instagram today of one of them.

Sunday Debated whether to head out to soft play but decided to just stay at home. I’ve not been feeling 100% myself now. Got the craft and paint box out and got the younger two busy with making some Ramadan decorations as it will be Ramadan in 2 weeks.

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