Project 366 – 26th February to 3rd March

Week 9

Back to school this week after half term and back to our toddler groups and routine.

Monday Woke up today feeling a bit fed up and grumpy. Husband went and got me breakfast. Then chilled at home for most of the day.

Tuesday Headed to the library for rhyme time and then we decided to head to a role play place with friends. Minu was playing at being a doctor. Then back to Squirrel scouts in the evening. We focused on Ramadan today which will be in about 2 weeks time.

Wednesday Dropped off Minnie at the vets for her dental treatment. Soon received a call before I took Minu to her toddler group, saying that the vet recommends 4 of her teeth are taken out. Obviously that was going to cost much more than what I originally thought. But I couldn’t leave her to suffer so told them to just do it. When she came home at 5pm she was absolutely terrified. Her eyes were black, I am assuming due to a combination of the drugs that were still in her and her being so scared. She did initially let me stroke her but then all of a sudden she wouldn’t let any of us near her. She stayed hiding in the conservatory and as soon as we went in there she would run out. I had to get a bandage off her leg but she wouldn’t let me anywhere near her. Decided to just leave her, by bedtime she had ventured into the main house but still wouldn’t let us anywhere near her.


Minnie was a bit more friendly this morning and managed to get her to eat a bit and put her meds into her food. I also tried to hold her while the eldest tried to take her bandage off but she couldn’t. Once Minnie had calmed down, I grabbed Bee’s dressing gown and wrapped Minnie in it and asked the husband to remove her bandage. She was again terrified after that and wouldn’t let me near her again. But by the evening she was almost back to her usual self and slept on Bee’s bed. Husband was off today and he took my car for its MOT then a friend messaged to ask if I wanted to meet up so we headed out to lunch. Had a jacket potato. Bee went to karate after missing a fair few sessions, and came home having decided she didn’t want to return. Our karate journey is over.


Back to our Friday toddler group. Eldest came home from school saying she had a sore throat and went to bed early. Not ideal as she has mock exams next week.

Saturday Didn’t do much today. Eldest not feeling great and didn’t get much revision done. Thankfully it’s mocks and not the real exams! Took Bee and Minu and popped to the parents house. No pics

Sunday A day of cleaning. Packed Bee’s karate trophies into a box as they were getting really dusty in the conservatory and I was getting tired of extra things to clean. Started cleaning the conservatory in the hopes that there is better weather on the way. Then printed out some Squirrel Scouts certificates ready for investiture next week.

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