Project 366 – 29th January to 4th February

Week 5

Meet ups, training and relaxing……a mixed bag this week.

Monday A meet up with mums at Full of Beans in the morning, headed to the parents in the afternoon and then a Scouts Trustee Board Meeting in the evening. With the husband away, I had to take the girls with me to the meeting but Minu was well behaved….I handed her my phone so she could play games. I tired a mocha today too at Full of Beans. I am not a coffee drinker in general but that was just about bearable.

Tuesday Had some training in the morning for a charity I volunteer with. It was 10 -2 and I had initially said I couldn’t attend as would have Minu with me. But they organised child care for us mums who have young children. Again, Minu was well behaved and went happily into another room to do some colouring and singing. I was quite surprised that she went off with someone she didn’t know, but she did know that I was in the room next door and that she could just come and see me when she wanted. Then Squirrels meeting after school – the Squirrels made a model camp fire.

Wednesday A slower day today, headed to our toddler group and then relaxed.

Thursday Asked Minu if she wanted to go to a toddler group in the morning but she said stay home, so we just relaxed at home in the morning in our pyjamas and then headed to mums in the afternoon before the school run. As I was leaving for the school run I left my car keys in the car by Minu’s car seat. I shut the door and somehow the car locked itself. I don’t know how or why. I started panicking and told my nephew to break the car window or something so I could get Minu out. He was calmer than me and saw she was fine and laughing in the car and he said he would run to my house and get the cars spare keys. His car was blocked in by mine so he had to walk/run. Luckily my dad has my house keys. 5 mins of pacing round the car and playing peekaboo with Minu and I hear a click. The car had somehow unlocked itself. I still don’t understand exactly what happened or why the car locked/unlocked itself. But it has made me more paranoid about the keys!


Toddler group in the morning and then once we had picked up the older girls from school headed into town to get a few bits. Will be glad when the husband is home and I can ask him to get things on his way home from work.

Saturday and Sunday No pictures as its been a quiet weekend. Bee went to karate on Saturday and then the rest of Saturday was spent at home. Sunday we popped to my mums for a bit, did a spot of food shopping and then just relaxed at home.

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