Project 366 – 13th May to 19th May

Week 20

Continuing with potty training this week and SATS week for Bee.

Monday I have started doing the morning school runs again as husband has decided to go to work earlier and come home earlier. However that meant getting Bee into school by 8.10am this week as she wanted to join in with the breakfast club they had put on for the Year 6’s doing their SATS! Decided to brave it and headed to Inflatanation to the toddler session. Minu was good and didn’t have any accidents and got her to use the toilet there at the end of the session. Came home and played in the garden for a while, noticed quite a few of my plants are flowering.

Tuesday Another day at home, tidied up a bit as someone from Scouts was coming in the evening to help me with some admin after I said I needed help. Headed to the Squirrels meeting and they were doing a Squirrel craft today and then a 2 hour meeting once home and felt a bit happier with things going forward.

Wednesday Toddler group in the morning. Minu was good and didn’t have any accidents while we were there. Came home and Minnie was asleep in the conservatory. She allowed Minu to stroker her for a bit – I think she was just too lazy to run off. In the evening I had another scouts related meeting – we are hoping to open our next section, Scouts for 10-14 year olds) by the end of the year.

Thursday Avoided the toddler group this morning as it’s outdoors and after the rain yesterday and the rain predicted today I din’t fancy it. They also don’t have a proper toilet but an ‘eco’ one which isn’t particularly pleasant. Headed to mums first thing and spent pretty much all day there. Minu is avoiding going to the toilet to do a poop so this is causing some issues. She has done it before so not sure what the issue is now. Final test for Bee today, SATS are over! Thankfully no stress, she just loved the breakfasts! No pictures today.

Friday A quiet day at home. I had seen a bubble gun machine on tiktok which arrived today for Minu. She loves it and it gives lots of bubbles….thankfully I had a huge bottle of bubble solution as the one that arrives with it doesn’t last long.

Saturday There was a festival happening this weekend at the local country park. But due to the potty training I wasn’t confident taking Minu out all day….plus I would probably end up spending money I don’t have. So a quiet one this weekend, enjoying the sun at home and made some biscuits with the younger two. Minnie decided the dryer was a nice place to chill.

Sunday Another quiet day at home. Minu hasn’t had any accidents for a few days but she is still wary of using the toilet for a poop….which then makes me nervous about going out. Decided on ordering a takeaway. Ordered the loaded chicken fries..was quite nice but could have done with a bit more sauce.

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