Project 366 – 20th May to 26th May

Week 21

Final week before half term. Eldest’s Alevel exams started this week.

Monday Headed to the local soft play cafe Full of Beans again for a meet up with other mums. Was a nice morning and the kids had fun.

Tuesday A quiet day doing some housework then headed to the Squirrels session in the evening. We had some more investitures – we now have a total of 16 Squirrels in our Scouts group. I noticed my climbing clematis had started to flower.

Wednesday More rain today. Went to our usual toddler group and then didn’t do much.

Thursday Decided not to go to the outdoor toddler group today as it was likely to be a bit muddy with all the rain we have and it was really windy. I just wasn’t in the mood either…been feeling a bit low this week. No pictures as just relaxed at home.

Friday Eldest’s final day of school and she will now only be returning for exams and any revision sessions they may put on. 7 years at this school…it really does seem to have flown by!

Saturday Still having issues with potty training and Minu holding in her poop…..debated whether to go get some meds to make her go as I reluctant to go out anywhere when I know she needs to go. Thankfully she did end up doing one (after about 4 days) so then popped to mums for a bit where she rode her scooter. Will have to see how it goes and may have to speak to someone about her doing this as it isn’t very healthy.

Sunday A bit of rain forecast but did think of heading out somewhere. But I just wasn’t in the mood. So made some cheese scones at home instead and relaxed for the rest of the day.

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