Gardening: Making up the hanging baskets

Although I love gardening and generally do well, I can never seem to get my hanging baskets right. The one in the front of the house does OK  but the ones in the back garden generally die. My garden is south facing and gets a heck of a lot of sun, (when we get any), and

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Planting seeds – Gardening fun

So a few weeks ago I was pretty optimistic that the snow had finally decided to go away. I dragged hubby to the local B and Q to get some compost in preparation for some serious gardening.  I just couldn’t resist the cute duck watering can for munchkin and some sweet william plants. Munchkin came home from

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Gardening Series: Seed Sowing

This is the second post from Riz at Muslimgrower about gardening. Spring was officially on 21st March and I am itching to sow seeds. There is still plenty of time to buy seeds that you wish to grow and make some plans for the garden or if your growing in pots. You need at least

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Gardening, my garden as it is now

I really want to sort my garden out this year. In an ideal world where I had a bottomless pit of money, I would have loved to get someone in to landscape it all properly, with a raised decking area at the end and maybe fit a small pond in one corner, although the shed

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Latest Garden Pics

Just wanted to share my latest garden pictures with you all! My raspberry bush currently giving me a never ending supply of raspberries. Clearly likes the wet weather!! Hollyhocks Hydrangea Not sure what this one is called….any ideas?? Flowers in hanging basket Roses Lily Clementis No idea what this climbing plant is called

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