Teaching Your Child to Pray with My Salah Mat

Disclosure: We were sent the My Salah Mat for the purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions are our own. When it came to teaching salah to the girls I was quite ‘late’ with the eldest. Although she knew all the recitations she only really started praying once she hit puberty but alhamdulillah now does

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Ramadan in Istanbul, Turkey

Today I am featuring a special blog post by Taskeen from Muslimah By Design about ramadan in Istanbul. Taskeen believes in living with intention and purpose to fulfill our ultimate goal of attaining Paradise. She is passionate about mindfulness and living life fully (food, travel, islam being her favourite topics!) She blogs about ways to

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Fun Ramadan Activity Books for your Children

As a child there was not such thing as Ramadan Activity Books, and all I really knew about Ramadan was that it was the month that my parents and all the older people fasted from the morning until the evening. In all honesty I never really understood why, or the logic behind it, but I

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Ramadan Traditions with your Children

Growing up as a child Ramadan didn’t seem anything special. The parents were praying more and the house was quieter than usual…..the main thing I enjoyed was in the summer months when dad came home to break his fast; I used to sneak down past my bedtime and eat with him. I don’t think mum

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Ramadan Around the World – Libya

A few years ago I started off a series showing what Ramadan is like around the world. I have featured Ramadan in Egypt, Ramadan in Pakistan, Ramadan in Turkey and Ramadan in Indonesia. Now is the turn of Libya with One Sister sharing her experience. **************************** First off, let me clarify two things: 1) Ramadan is different from region

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Ramadan Around the World – Indonesia

A few years ago I started off a series showing what Ramadan is like around the world. I featured Ramadan in Egypt, Ramadan in Pakistan, and Ramadan in Turkey. Today I am pleased to be able to share what Ramadan in Indonesia is like through this guest post by sister Diah Dwi Arti. Ramadan is here. Subhanallah.

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Ramadan Calendars and 30 Good Deeds

I always say that we have to make Ramadan fun for the children as well…..especially living in the west where you don’t always get the Ramadan atmosphere. In general I have been trying to make Islam fun for the girls. A few months ago I started a Good Deed Jar with the girls. So whenever

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