How to make the most of Ramadan when you are not fasting.

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened. Narrated Abu Huraira Sahih al-Bukhari 1898 Ramadan is such an important month in the Muslim Calendar, there is excitement in the air when it is due to arrive and muslims look forward in anticipation for a month of worship and fasting. It

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The Blessings of Baby Girls in Islam

‘Never mind. In sha Allah next time you will be blessed with a baby boy’. That is one of the comments I had to hear when I gave birth to my second daughter. I come from a culture where growing up I saw how much importance was given to baby boys. Sweets were handed out

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Best of Muslim Mummy Blog 2019

If I am honest 2019 was a year I was so close to saying the time had come to move on from the blog, my motivation was at an all time low and my posts were few and far between (except for Project 365). But I am back for 2020 with a lot more motivation

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Monthly Gratitude – October 2019

I forgot to do a monthly gratitude post last month but things got a bit busy towards the end of the month with my husband going away for 4 weeks to Pakistan. And it was one of those months that just flew by and it was hard to think about what I was specifically grateful

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Muslim Mums in Business – Mummys Bubble

My Muslim Mums in Business series focus’s on inspirational Muslim women, who are balancing the art of motherhood along with running businesses.   Please introduce yourself and your business. Hi, I’m Heena. I am a mum of two, crafter at heart, writer by night, juggling life to make a future. I started Mummys Bubble as a blog

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Review: Ramadan Around the World

Alhamdulillah my children are lucky in that they have access to lots of Islamic books which I didn’t have as a child. Especially related to Ramadan. However sometimes there is a lack of diversity in some books; however Ramadan Around the World specifically explores diversity and different cultures within the Muslim community.

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Muslim Mums in Business – Lift Everest

My Muslim Mums in Business series focus’s on inspirational Muslim women, who are balancing the art of motherhood along with running businesses. Please introduce yourself and your business. I am Maryam, and I am a fully-qualified personal trainer and Hatton boxing instructor based in Reading, UK. I offer individualised coaching, in person and online, that supports women

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