Review: Brainbox Animals – The 10 minute brain challenge

Disclosure: We received Brainbox Animals to review as part of the Blogger Board Game Club. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

Packed full of animals from around the world, this Brainbox is designed for players to improve observation and memory skills in a family friendly game.

If you love animals and want to learn some facts in a fun way, then Brainbox Animals is the game for you!

Whats in the Box?

54 cards, 2 rules cards, 1 sand timer, 1 die.

  • 54 cards
  • 2 rule cards
  • 1 Sand Timer
  • 1 Die

The cards have some facts about the animal on one side, and on the other side, 8 questions about the animal.

How to Play

The game is recommended for ages 8 plus and is for 1 or more players. Although the recommended age is for ages 8+, if your child is able to read well then I personally don’t see why younger children cannot join in.

1 Player Game

If you are playing alone then, using the timer, study your card for 10 seconds. Then turn the card over and write down all the answers to the questions. If any answers are incorrect you replace the card in the box, but if they are all correct you keep the card. See how many cards you get after 5 or 10 minutes.

2 or more players

The youngest takes a card from the box and turns the timer over. The player has 10 seconds to study the card and take in as much information as possible. (You can give extra time for the really young players). The card then has to be passed to another player and the die rolled. The person with the card then has to ask the question corresponding with the number rolled on the die.

If the player answers the question correctly they keep the card. If not, then the card is replaced in the box. Whoever has the most cards after 10 minutes is the winner.

What did we think?

The game is definitely a game for all the family. The concept is simple but is excellent for improving your memory skills and your recall skills by making you really look at the information provided and trying to remember it. Animal lovers like my girls will also love the fact that they are learning a lot more about the different animals in different countries.

If you like the look if the game then it is available to buy from Amazon.

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