Week 49 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 334 – 29th November

A quiet day! No tech in the morning…some book reading went on and helped Bee a bit with her times tables. I did manage to get a book review live in the evening: Adam’s First Day at Madrassa.

Monday Day 335 – 30th November

A quiet day. Eldest got on with her school work at home while I first went with the hubby for some food shopping…found some unicorn body wash which I knew Bee would love. Then I took Dad for his appointment with the Kidney specialist. I had been trying to ring them since last week to confirm if it was a telephone consultation or not as he had a number of letters saying different things about the same appointment…. but I was having issues getting through to the right department. So in the end I reluctantly took him – I had been keeping my distance due to the girls going to school and not wanting to pass on the virus but needs must – I am the one that does all the talking with the consultants and know everything. Made Dad sit in the car while I went to find out what was going on. Apparently the section he needed to go were dealing with an outbreak of Covid and it wasn’t safe to be there…which is why I couldn’t get hold of anyone in reception. Went to the main entrance and they said to go to the outpatients department. I made the decision to take dad home and not make him walk through the hospital as my gut was telling me it was going to be a telephone consultation. I made the right decision because as soon as I turned into their road my phone rang. I parked up and we ended up talking to the consultant in the car on the street! His kidney function has gone back to what is normal for him (although still low) but his iron is extremely low and so is his calcium. He needs calcium supplements and an iron infusion. They will send an appointment.

Tuesday Day 336 – 1st December

A quiet day at home. I got on with some blog posts, got an AD post live about an alcohol free hand sanitiser: Steril-eeze. Bee’s bag from Smiggle arrived which I got from the sales so she was happy.

Wednesday Day 337 – 2nd December

Back to school for the eldest after self isolating. Wondering how long it will be before she has to isolate again as the school are confirming new cases every day. Had a bit of a quiet day catching up with some stuff on TV. Hubby had got some cake – chocolate orange – last night which I saved to eat during the day. It was quite rich and very orangey. Gave the second slice to the eldest when she got home from school.

Thursday Day 338 – 3rd December

It was cold and miserable and I worked on the blog and got the post live about the game we were playing on Saturday: 5 Pillars Family Game. Had a governors meeting in the afternoon – I tend to use the eldest’s room as she has a decent desk…and I was reading all her post-its about Macbeth.

Then back out in the evening for Bee’s karate as they have finally opened up after the month lockdown. Must admit I preferred it when it was online as we we so relaxed in the evenings.

Friday Day 339 – 4th December

Woke up to see it had been snowing a bit and some had settled. There was sleet pretty much all day but it didn’t settle. Spent most of the day cooking and cleaning really. Then karate in the evening. Hate driving in the cold and dark and especially when the weather is really bad. Saw an accident on the parkway and then another one not far from our house. People just don’t slow down, even when its chucking it down with rain.

Read the school email before bed and realised that the eldest had made the Student of the Week for her form for showing excellent character values and working hard in all her lessons. Last week it was Bee and this week it was the eldest. Proud of both girls.

Saturday Day 340 – 5th December

Back to karate in the morning and then chilling in the afternoon/evening. While Bee was at karate I went to Dobbies which is round the corner as wanted a new plant for the pot which had an Aloe Vera plant but we had killed it. Got myself a Peace Lily and got tempted by the chocolate at the tills. They were keeping a strict eye on the numbers allowed in and there was a queue to get in!

In the afternoon watched Mulan on Disney+ now that it is free and you don’t have to pay for it. Then received an email from the school, saying that after some meetings the school have decided that they will be shut for Years 9, 10 and 11 due to the rising number of cases. That means they won’t go back until January. To be honest it is a relief as there were daily confirmed cases at the school and it was stressing me out every day when I got an email to say how many they had that day. However, I just hope the remote learning is better than what it was when she was self isolating.

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