What’s up with the terrible twos?

This is a scheduled post. Last in my series of guest posts is from one of my longest blogging friends who blogs at ‘Mahshi and Marshmallow‘,who is currently discovering the joys of toddlers turning 2! Before becoming a mum, I thought that the Terrible Twos was a myth, something put into place to frighten parents. We

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Friday Wisdom 30/08/13

  If you as parents cut corners, your children will too. If you lie, they will too. If you spend all your money on yourselves and tithe no portion of it for charities, colleges, churches, synagogues, and civic causes, your children won't either. And if parents snicker at racial and gender jokes, another generation will pass

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We finally have teeth!

We finally have managed to cut a tooth. And boy is it hard work!   In all honesty the last few days have been a nightmare. Bee has been burning up and whinging and whining all day long. Shes been off her food too.   As she's usually a happy carefree girl it's been a

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Friday Wisdom 16/08/2013

I saw this on FB and just had to share it as it rings so true.     What We Mean When We Say We Need a Break~Amanda KingMar As a stay-at-home mom of two small children, when I say that I need a break, I'm not talking about wanting a vacation or a treat

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Day out to Woburn Safari Park

During the recent Easter holidays, I must confess we did not do much even though it was almost 3 weeks holiday. I was initially recovering from a severe cold, then I decided I should chop my finger with a vegetable peeler so struggled to do anything! But we decided we had to take munchkin somewhere

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I am not ungrateful!

I love my girls. Unconditionally. But every now and then, when my hormones turn me into a monster, the lack of sleep makes me feel like a zombie, and being stuck at home just doing the cooking and cleaning makes me feel brain dead, I sometimes say I am fed up. I sometimes say the

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I gave up on breastfeeding = Bad mum?!

I wanted to post about my issues with breastfeeding but I was scared. Scared of people being judgmental  saying I was a bad mum for bottle feeding, saying I was taking the ‘easy’ way out. I was feeling guilty enough without being made to feel worse by others.   I was determined to BF with Bee,

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Magic Moments – Bee Feeding herself

I am joining in with a new linky this week. Pop over to ‘The Oliver’s Madhouse’ to find out what it’s all about and to check out the other Magic Moments. Feel free to join in. My current Magic Moments are usually to do with Bee. This week is watching her grab some food and

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