6 Months Today

My little Bee, You have been in our lives for 6 months. It has flown by, but at the same time it seems a long time. We can’t remember what our lives were like before you arrived; you have completed us. Your constant smiles makes our hearts fill with love. You wake up and the

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Weaning has officially begun

So the little one was frowning at me every time I ate and smacking her lips. If she happened to be in my lap while I was munching I would get a slap. And then she grabbed my chocolate and tried to eat it.  Now that was the final straw. No one eats my chocolate. 

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Review: Twinkl Resources

As a parent I am keen for my daughters to do well in life and this means initially getting a good education. I am always on the look out for resources to help munchkin. She is pretty much top of her class when it comes to reading and writing, but not so much with maths.

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I’m just stupid….

Yep as the title says. I’m just stupid. My 6 year old seems to think I am. Well, she hasn’t said so in so many words. But if she asks how something is spelt and it still doesn’t look right to HER, then she will use another word instead. And the other day she came

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Parenting can be lonely

Being a mum is a wonderful thing. And I am grateful that I have two beautiful daughters. But sometimes I can’t help but feel lonely. I can’t help but feel like a single mum. My husband is working long hours at the moment. Partly due to the fact that I am no longer working and

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The school run in the snow

Any parent knows that the school run can be manic at the best of times. Parents double parking, kids running out into the road etc etc. Well today it was snowing. And it was complete and utter chaos. Now seeing as it is snowing, anyone with half a brain would know that you should be

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Drama Festival at school

I am slightly miffed at munchkins school. They seem to participate in a Drama Festival each year. Now I have no problem with that as I studied Drama for GCSE and gained an A. I also performed at the Oundle Festival with my school mates and we won the competition. What I am against is

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Failing as a parent

Have you ever felt as though you were/are failing as a parent? Because right now I feel like that.  A big fat failure. Not with the baby…she’s just perfect alhamdulillah. Always smiling and cooing away mashAllah. I am having issues with the 6 (almost 7 year old). I blogged about her before here. She has

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