AD: Getting Ready for School with Books2Door

August is that time of year when you are enjoying the summer holidays but also mentally preparing for the back to school routine. One thing that is important but can be overlooked is reading. Reading in the summer holidays is important and can be very beneficial. I have already written about encouraging your children to

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Back to School Shoe Shopping with Debenhams

One of the things that I spend a lot of time on is school shoe shopping shopping.  The children will be in the shoes all day, so comfort along with style is a must! This is Bee’s first year of school shoe shopping and I wasn’t looking forward to it as the little madam is

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Mum to an 8 year old

So last week I changed from being a mum to a 7 year old to mum to an 8 year old. We don’t really celebrate with parties, but I usually get cake…..any excuse for a cake with me! It doesn’t really feel that different. Apart from making me feel old…but then that was also because

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Homeschooling: Yay or Nay?

Homeschooling. It's been something I have been thinking of for a while…..a long while…. And now that I am no longer working, it is something that I could actually do. But the 24 million dollar question is……. Can I actually do it? I am educated myself. I have a law degree and I also studied

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Back to school already!

Have 6 weeks really passed? Seriously?! It really does not feel like it at all. It only seems like yesterday that Munchkin was preparing to leave infants and visiting the juniors for some settling in days. And now she has started in year 3, and the first day is over. Although Munchkin is now in

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Growing up and leaving school

It is Munchkin's final day of infant school. In September she will start juniors. Seriously, where has the time gone? It just feels like yesterday that she was all dressed up in her brand new school uniform, all nervous about going to school. In the 3 years she has been going to school, I have

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Review: Twinkl Resources

As a parent I am keen for my daughters to do well in life and this means initially getting a good education. I am always on the look out for resources to help munchkin. She is pretty much top of her class when it comes to reading and writing, but not so much with maths.

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The school run in the snow

Any parent knows that the school run can be manic at the best of times. Parents double parking, kids running out into the road etc etc. Well today it was snowing. And it was complete and utter chaos. Now seeing as it is snowing, anyone with half a brain would know that you should be

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