Project 366 – 13th May to 19th May

Week 20 Continuing with potty training this week and SATS week for Bee. Monday I have started doing the morning school runs again as husband has decided to go to work earlier and come home earlier. However that meant getting Bee into school by 8.10am this week as she wanted to join in with the

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Project 366 – 29th April to 5th May

Week 18 Usual routine, but we made an appearance on our local radio station to talk about our Scouts group. Monday Met up with a friend at Inflatation. Minu actually went down the biggest slide and I had a go too! Then popped to Works which was next door and got some colouring books to

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Project 366 – 15th April to 21st April

Week 16 Back to school week! Monday Had to go to Specsavers for Bee’s contact lense check up to check her eyesight with them and make sure they aren’t irritating her eyes. All was fine and we signed up for the contacts, but I wasn’t expecting them to take 2 months payment in advance, so

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Project 366 – 8th April to 14th April

Week 15 Eid week this week. Monday An early start this morning as headed to Specsavers for a contact lense trial for Bee. She has myopia and it appears they now have a special lense for children to help slow down the progression of the short sightedness. At her appointment last week her prescription has

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Project 366 – 1st April to 7th April

Week 14 Easter holidays but as it is Ramadan we have mainly been spending it at home. Monday A quiet day at home. Spent a bit of time in the garden with bubbles. Although cut the grass a few weeks back, it has grown back so quickly. Waiting for Ramadan to be over before I

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Project 366 – 18th March to 24th March

Week 12 A quiet week as didn’t feel well for most of it. Monday Throat really sore so decided not to meet up with friends today. Chilled at home and Minu was pretty good and played quietly. No pictures. Tuesday Started getting a temperature today too so again didn’t go out to our usual rhyme

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