Time to start thinking about nursery!

Although Bee won’t be 2 until September, I know it is time to start thinking about nursery. The popular nursery’s end up with long waiting lists so it is best to get names down sooner rather than later. The question really is when should she start? All children have a free entitlement to funded childcare

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Mum to an 8 year old

So last week I changed from being a mum to a 7 year old to mum to an 8 year old. We don’t really celebrate with parties, but I usually get cake…..any excuse for a cake with me! It doesn’t really feel that different. Apart from making me feel old…but then that was also because

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Project 365 – Week 23

Day 152 – The sun finally came out so I did a spot of gardening and then took the girls to our local country park called Ferry Meadows. Day 153 – Once Munchkin went to bed, I blew up a few balloons for her birthday. We don’t celebrate in a big way but I usually

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Net Curtains v Blinds

I have net curtains in the house. I don’t care if they make me look old fashioned and people think I’m living in the olden ages but I love the fact that they give you privacy without blocking out much light. I don’t care if people think they are horrible and I need to get

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Enjoying our local country park, Ferry Meadows

So after a pretty miserable half term week, with lots of rain, the sun suddenly decided to show it’s face on the final day of half term. Ā And obviously we had to make the most of it so took the girls to our local country park, Ferry Meadows which I have mentioned before when we

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Review: Arabic with Taha and Maryam

I was recently given an opportunity to try a new app for my iphone which helps teach arabic. App description: Teach your children the Arabic alphabet with this captivating board game. Children journey through an exciting park whilst completing letter flashcards. Learning pace is tailored to individual children using artificial intelligence. 3 levels make the

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Project 365 – Week 22

To be honest, not a particularly interesting week. Although it is half term, the weather has been foul and I have not been feeling well in myself Ā and generally feeling down, so all plans went out the window. We were meant to go to London Zoo as a treat for Munchkin who turns 8 next

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Review: Jelly Bears – Vegetarian Vitamins

Munchkin is a fussy eater… I have tried everything and she still remains fussy. So I do worry about whether she is getting enough vitamins in her. Ā To be safe, I got some vitamins for her to take as a supplement. And just finding vitamins that are suitable for our diet can be a mission

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Review: Moon in my Room from Tmart

Recently the nightlight we had in our room for Bee died a sudden death. So I was pleased to get the chance to review a moon nightlight from Tmart   The Moon Nightlight is described as: It is a magic lamp that offers you twelve models about the phases of the moon such as new

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Project 365 – Week 21

Mixed week this week! Gorgeous sunny start….and then went downhill with rain! Looks like rain most of half term too!! Day 138 – Gorgeous sunny day. Spent most of it gardening. Our local council have decided that even though the residents pay council tax, they are going to start charging us to take away our

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Little Face of Venture Competition

  Venture Photography are currently holding a competition to find their Little Face of Venture 2014. I have never really thought about having my kids model. Although I reckon Bee would be perfect with her cheeky smile and cute curls….but then I am biased!   But for those who are looking to get into child

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