Supporting Elderly Parents as They Get Older

Supporting elderly parents as they age is a huge responsibility that many adult children face. This role reversal, where children become caregivers, can be challenging but also deeply rewarding. As parents grow older, their physical, emotional and cognitive needs often increase, necessitating thoughtful and proactive support from their families. Here are key aspects to consider

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Project 366 – 17 June to 23 June

Week 25 Monday Eid day for us today. But honestly didn’t do much. Sent Bee off on her residential first thing, and then went to mums for the morning and to eat. Then had to come home as the eldest wanted to revise for her exam on Wednesday. It didn’t feel right going anywhere without her

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Project 366 – 3 June to 9 June

Week 23 Back to school after half term. It was birthday week! Monday Eldest turned 18. We didn’t do anything today as we did it all yesterday. She had a revision session at school and then came home and was revising for her exam tomorrow. I attended a volunteer morning for The Raham Project where

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Project 366 – 27th May to 2 June

Week 22 Half term but didn’t do much, felt a bit rough by the end of it with a cough and slight temperature. Life is going on but my thoughts are constantly with what is happening in Palestine and Rafah. Monday A quiet day at home. Although it is half term we don’t have much

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Project 366 – 13th May to 19th May

Week 20 Continuing with potty training this week and SATS week for Bee. Monday I have started doing the morning school runs again as husband has decided to go to work earlier and come home earlier. However that meant getting Bee into school by 8.10am this week as she wanted to join in with the

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Project 366 – 6th May to 12th May

Week 19 A week I decided to start potty training due to the nice weather we finally got. Monday Bank holiday Monday. Just spent it at home and didn’t do much. Bee found an old princess dress of hers in her wardrobe and she got it out for Minu. Who then wore it all day.

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Project 366 – 29th April to 5th May

Week 18 Usual routine, but we made an appearance on our local radio station to talk about our Scouts group. Monday Met up with a friend at Inflatation. Minu actually went down the biggest slide and I had a go too! Then popped to Works which was next door and got some colouring books to

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